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Chris King Parts


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I would like to know what you think because my friend is going to put a front ISO King hub on his new build but i don't really think it is worth it. It weighs 166g and it is £129.00 from tarty whereas he could get one of the deng disc hubs for £60 and the are only 34g more in weight.

The headset as well is very expensive and it is not the only one with the integrated bearings. That is £119.00 and is 98g. But now tensile have released the ace which is basically the same but is weighs less then the Chris King. do you not believe they should now drop there prices to make them more competitive and it would then probably make me want to get them more if their prices were a bit lower.

P.S. I did use the search but there were no topics that could answer my question


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chris king headsets are minted..they come with a lifetime warranty and are uber high quality. as for the hub get a pro2 trials there super smooth and are very strong and at only £40 from tarty are a really good buy (Y)

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Sup mate...

To be honest there isnt much point in splashing out over 100 pounds for a front hub, its not that important...all you need it to do it spin and be strong...if you have the money to get a king front hub though, get one because it will last and last.you probably wont need to buy a front hub after it!

However, if you were considering getting a rear chris king hub i'd say go ahead because the quality and warrenty is unrivilved.

The deng front hubs seem to work pretty well, i am using one of the moment and it seems to be on par with my hope xc... But stear clear of the deng rear freehubs, they dont last and are a pain in the ass to take a apart and put backtogether...mine even came apart when it was in he dropouts. then it went to an early grave at 8 DAYS OLD!!!

As for the headsets, you would be very much best off going for the chris king steel headset...I have had mine in 3 frames and each time ive bodged it out with a metal bar but its still fine.. :lol:

i have had no problems what so ever with my king headset, they are really worth the money that you pay for them..

CK stuff is expensive for a reason mate...

good luck


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Lets put it like this.

My Onza T-Vee is cheap, light, does the job and is easy for me to use. So why do people get more expensive bikes?

Basically its gotta be fit for whoever uses it, you wont see a professional rider on something like an Onza T-Vee due to the fact that it will be wrecked in a few days riding, but its perfectly good for someone like me.

Its the same when it comes to parts, I could have a nice cheap hub without having to worry about it, but someone who is better and rides hard would have to get something that is durable for their riding.

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chris king front hubs are really good but it is very expensive.

but the ck headsets are well worth the money.

i personally don't own one but every one i've seen looks sweet and works just as well as it looks.

"CK stuff is expensive for a reason" the reason is that it is such high quality...

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There's really no point in buying front king hubs. Had one, bought it as a set front+rear. It wasn't any more special than the Hope I've got now.

And if you're still thinking about buying one, get it from aspirevelotech. You'll probably pay 2x less inc. postage.

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Chris King products are well worth the money, the headsets are pretty much perfect in every way you can think of. I have run one for about three years now and its still as silky smooth as it was the day i ripped the box apart to install it ! Rear hubs are REALLY good too, but i personally prefer Profile. Not sure you need to spend that much on a front hub. Hope is good enough.


Edited by Tinez
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