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Trials Rider, As An Athlete


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hi there

i was just wandering what muscles dose trials involve,

i know its arms and back, but i have seen some riders with huge

shoulder muscles? its just a general one realy, rugby players have

huge thys and swimmers are build up all over, so a trials rider?

one more thing is trials in the olimpics? and will it ever be,

cheers max

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Well tuesdays are backs arms.

I don't know if you saw, but i did over a thousand that time!

Oh the burn, it burns so deep!

I don't have time to go to the gym so i have sculpt my guns at work.

I've been working the ubulous and dorsal muscles.

You use fast twitch muscles and alot of corr ranch (hence Daves almighty sixpack, and mine ;) )

For alot of street riders, it's alot of power but for the better, comps boys, there is a lot of stamina involved and higher strength and fast muscle movement as they aren't just doing one or two moves. They have to do a whole section in under 2 minutes and then do 10 sections!

If you want a proper work out, ride natural more than street.

Also, going down the gym and just lifting heavy weights will not help. You need to be focusing on the muscles areas you use when you rde and working with the correct weights..... i.e less weight, more repetitions. Otherwise your building muscle to lift a lot of weight but only for a short while. You will also lose flexibility too, so always warm up, then stretch. Never start big, build you way up throughout the day.


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