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Infa Red Brakes


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I think all you guys have missed the point!

Instead of using blu-tooth or infrared just use radio signals to make the piston slide in and out.( its goes in all directions)

Problem solved

There are some real idiots on this forum jeez. :blink:

yeah that would work fine until people ride together :blink: .

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one day there will be an advantage i can see it working quite well in the future and i've seen gas powered and electric powered gears done loads before.

although there will be a very slight delay from when you pull the lever to when the brake came on so it could be a bit risky

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One very major problem with it... you'd have no feel to the brakes! Pull the lever with near zero resistance and not knowing what the callipers are doing.

Good idea though, would be more useful on something like the rear mech where you don't need the "feel".

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yeah that would work fine until people ride together :blink: .

I'd get one, but just the lever. Go on rides, and lock peoples brakes just before they go to sidehop or something, or make their brake unclamp mid setup hop.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

jesus, whats wrong with your finger? like everyone else? pneumatic gear shifters were tried a while ago by shimano but dont know why they didnt carry on. infrared would only have an advantage of maybe a gyro? but even then you'd only be able to brake if your bars were turned forwards

meh. no chance. unlucky keep thinking.....

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[sarcasm]i can see this bing a brilliant idea and taking off, especially when you consider the weight of 5 foot of hose, and 20ml of water. compared to say, a battery pack, sensors, a couple of servo's/solenoids. sure they cant way that much.

also see no problems at all, about when the batteries run out, and your brake either doesnt work, or locks on soilid(c max handbrakes anyone). but then, i can solve that, remember dynamo lights, the ones where a wheel sat against ur rim/tyre, and gave you power when the wheels were turning, by turning kinetic energy into electronic energy, could just use one of them, of course your brakes wouldnt work when your not moving, but then you wouldnt need them then, as your not moving. itd also prevent skids etc, because when the wheel locked, thered be no power generated, meaning the brakes released, the wheel rotates once more, power, so wheel locks, rinse, repeat, until bike stops. hey i think ive just invented pushbike abs, forget reluctor rings and EBD modules on cars, all we need is some dynamos and solenoid based calipers.


i think this may need some work, before it takes off, also whats wrong with the if it doesnt need fixing, dont break it, or however that saying went.

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to be perfectly fair.... WHY?

so many batteries too, be more expensive in the long run....

ok, replace the battery with a hamster in a wheel then! jeez, then you only have to feed it once in a while! how many of you actually finish your foot long subway whilst riding, just give some to the hamster and he will be happy as larry

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Its people like the above that stop technological progression. :angry:

ok, to be fair maybe my post is a bit none constructive, but i gave my opinion on the subject, that its a none needed progression, and is rather pro posterous, the way i see it, with bikes everything filters down from the automotive industry, gears, rubber wheels, tubeless tyres, cable brakes, hydraulic brakes. it all comes from the automotive world. because thats where 1000s of times more money is put into r an d, and it then passes onto bikes over time.

recenlty fly by wire gears have started taking off, with no actual selector cables/linkages of old, therefore in a few years, this may be filtering down to the bike world. but wireless braking seems out of this world, unneccessary and totally overkill at the moment, and i havent gone in to the potential risks of sensors breaking/interference from outside sources, wet weather durability etc.

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I could work, I could imagine Infrared, Bluetooth or WiFi would work for this.

But an important thing to consider is:

When the lever blade is pulled, it sends a signal to the slave cylinder, in which a piston is then activated and then pulls the brakes.

This technology could be easily developed, but it would work badly would need a lot of fine parts.

There would have to be some kind of a sensor to detect how much the lever blade is being pulled, otherwise when the lever blade is pulled a tiny smidge what tells the piston so move a small amount.

It can be done, but it would be very expensive, and even then it won't work as good as the brakes you have now.

Perish the thought.

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but they could do the same to you afterwards.

plus if you and your mates bikes are inline for example, you would controll each others brakes, plus you would need a signal so you leaver came back out again becuase usually when you let go it goes back out... but the brake would stay on, unless something was pushing it back , e.g hose with blood or w.e

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