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New! - Bikeranch.co.nr


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I have been out riding a lot more now the weather is improving. As I was out on my mates BMX the other day, I took my old camera up the track and got some pictures. Only 2 mega pixel, so excuse the quality. Birthday's soon, I'm planning on getting a new camera then.

Anyway, I thought I'd make a website to showcase us and our riding. It's only got two riders on at the minute, but it's early days. All in all there is 17 of us, so keep checking the site for regular up-dates with pictures and videos.

The site will be up-dated at least once every week so keep checking back. Comments on the site would be awesome!

PS: All code is valid :)



http://www.bikeranch.co.nr <- Link to site



Edited by 531joshua
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Im by no means a web design exopert, but that contect window is just big enough to view the pictures in full, making for really shitty viewing. About 65-70% of my screen is without content on my PC.

The colour is gash to be honest, it wasn't a website used to fullfill some criteria for school/college was it? It's much like what I had to do a few years ago, a site with pics video, tables and contact forms etc.

Good start I guess, and if you manage to actually update it once every week as you claim, all the stuff mentioned above can be neglected.

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Hell, that background color was BAD I'll admit.

Changed now, see what you think.

Oh, and I've made the width and height bigger now, I know what you were saying about the pictures only just fitting in.




Edited by 531joshua
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Great improvement, looks much less 'thrown' together, maybe try seperating the photo's with a blank line or something rather than merging into one another??

anyway yeh looking better allready.

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