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Danny Trailer


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not a fan, sorry.

The bike looks waaay too big for him, he doesnt seem to have mastered basic control and theres no helmet. I am sure if he put as much effort into getting the basics dialled as he does in his gaps, he would get plenty good.

Anyway, was I the only one who when learning trials, learnt all little tricks like front hops, pivots, manuals, bunnyhops and stuff? they are pretty much the basic skills, but I never see anyone do any of them in newby vids.

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f**ks sake, why can you not just ask for the song and then put it in instead hearing me all the way through it. Spoiled it for me too, the fact that its just drop gap over f**king drop gap.


i heard jake...

No mate, you heard Joe :blink: .

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Gets boring after abit. Its just drop gap, gap, drop gap , gap one clip of a sidehop then one clip of a front wheel gap. Could do with alot more variation. Like Ali said the bike looks too big for him. Also is he really sponserd by Tarty? I know he is 15 and that is considerd young but i'm 15 and I would rate myself better than that.(sorry for sounding big headed).

Matt Rushton

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Gets boring after abit. Its just drop gap, gap, drop gap , gap one clip of a sidehop then one clip of a front wheel gap. Could do with alot more variation. Like Ali said the bike looks too big for him. Also is he really sponserd by Tarty? I know he is 15 and that is considerd young but i'm 15 and I would rate myself better than that.(sorry for sounding big headed).

Matt Rushton

Hi well i dont know i have never asked him about that but if joe b replies again he will know and he will hopefully answer your question.


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How can he be sponsored by tarty?!?! :blink:

Mikes about same age as him, bin riding the same amount of time, and is miles better than him.

Couldn't watch it all the way through found it repetitive, not enough different moves, just drop after drop.

Sorry but i just don't think he's worthy of a sponsor.

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How can he be sponsored by tarty?!?! :blink:

Mikes about same age as him, bin riding the same amount of time, and is miles better than him.

Couldn't watch it all the way through found it repetitive, not enough different moves, just drop after drop.

Sorry but i just don't think he's worthy of a sponsor.

fair comment mate.

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Danny OK vid, your running before you can walk to be honest, and you have used some of the clips in every video you have brought out wich is pretty crap as a new video has all new clips in it :D, i think you should wait a while for the next one and have all new clips in it and more variation of riding instead ov all drop gaps, even though they are big (Y) catcha ride with you again, meby see you at the tyke trial on the 4th.

Thanks Tom

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Thought this section was for trials vids, NOT 'finding the nearest wall and jumping off it' section.

Not a fan, there was no skill involved just balls with NO helmet!

You obviously have the capabilities of going far just try and be original!


Edited by tryallmaster
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Worst shit I've seen in a long time Did not like it, sorry.

This type of riding + lack of control makes me wanna go to bed.

I don't see the need of doing big drop gaps and so on when it almost looks like you can barely trackstand... Ah, sorry. >_<

Edited by _skj0lsvik_
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