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Is A King Hub Really Worth It?


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  ogre said:
doesn't that show something else though? like a metal failure compared to actual strength (this makes sence in my head) thats a faulty batch but i've seen theses hubs getting beasted no problems

Maybe, maybe not. I do not doubt some people have had success with them, ust liek people have had success with a lot of other hubs.

  ogre said:
i run a eno so i don't have much experienec in freehubs. but i don't see how a king justifies the price tag.

Have you seen the inside of a king? the way it works is completely unique and beautifully engineeried, thats without mentioning kings std surgical grade SS bearings, brilliant waranty and service.

  ogre said:
Don't you need a really expensive tool to crack open your king? compared to a lockring tool and probably one or to other things you need to open up a "normal" freehub?

Nope, 2x 5mm allen keys and my kings apart as much as i need it to be for most maintenance. Plus i dont have pawls and springs flying everywhere!

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I ran a king for years, and was great for the first year and into the second year, but it skipped constantly and the final nail in the coffin was it skipping a full rotation where i could have died pretty easy.

I now have a Pro2T, and so far its been awesome. I trust it loads more than i ever did with my King.

For the maintainance issue, i know how to clean/lube them, as do the UK importers. It used to skip now and again and it'd be fine after i cleaned it. but it didn't matter what i did to it, it'd still skip.

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  Joe Rothwell said:
After seeing/hearing kevs (trials punk182) king, I would poo it doing anything big. Although, saying that, it needs a damn good clean.

lol, see i dont have to worry, i dont go big. although the few times its skipped, thrice ive almost caught a faceful of floor. worst was when it went through 180 degrees, and as id released me brake, i rolled down the steps on the back wheel, rather than jumping down them, but was switch footed.

as for it needing a clean, yea thats true, but its got character as it is.

but personally id trust the king over the hope, i had an xc for over 2 years, never skipped, but just didnt feel solid like the king does. felt kinda flexy through the pedals, but when theres drive on the king, its perfectly solid,

another reason i trust the king more than the hope, everyones saying kings skip, but at a guess mines 2/3 years old, an has probly gone a good chunk of that time without being opened up. many people are using 3-5 year old kings an complaining they skip, well they will do, there worn,old, poorly maintained, abused, xc hubs, yet they still ride mint. whereas look at how many people talk about pro2's breaking an skipping, an there only like a year or so old.

admittedly hope are gods when it comes to warranty work, an replacing stuff free of charge. but id rather have a hub that wen serviced, i can trust 100%, rather than have a hub which is good, but will most likely break in the first 18 months, but its ok, as ill get it repaired for free. as unfortunately, hope will send you a set of pawls out, but a set of teeth, they dont seem to stock them.

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