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What Made You Start Trials


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hello mate,

i used to go dirt jumping all the time with a couple of friends but two lads who i new from a while ago was in my home town on there trials bikes. i didn't no what the hell they was at first because i had never seen one before but i stopped and watched them for a while. they wasn't that good at the time but it inspired me to get a trials bike. so i made friends with these lads and just kept on going ou with them untill i saved a bit of money to get a trials bike. one of the lads was on a onza t-pro and the other was on a koxx xtp long. i ended up getting a brand new onza t-pro from tartybikes in august last year, so as you might now know i have been riding just over 6 months. i am a pritty good rider i think to say how long i have been riding, but i am enjoying the world of trials, i think its mint.

cheers lou.

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Good question!

I got my first decent bike about a year ago and wanted to get into downhill... I didn't really know what I was doing and a few weeks later I was in hospital with some doctors fingers under my skin feeling for fractures in my skull.

After stapling my head back together I didn't really feel the urge to do downhill anymore and I saw some trials footage on an MBUK DVD and decided to learn.

That is my highly emotional heart wrenching story hope you liked it... I did not.

I think trials has taken off a lot in the past year as almost every time I go out I see people on trials bikes hopping around and that. I never see anyone bad at trials though. And it seems everyone in Newcastle rides 26' when most people on this forum seem to like 20'.

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For me it was the trials articles in MBUK and the now defunct Mountain Bike Action (I might have the name wrong, but back then MBUK had a rival!). It was around 1998. I was blown away by the photos and how tos from Martyn Ashton and the Tongue brothers. I was doing regular XC riding and bike commuting every day to Uni, so soon I was out in the road following the tutorials on the basics like track standing. Some friends and I were desperately trying to string together more than 3 out of control back hops on our XC bikes!

I kept practising all the basic moves for the next few years on the same XC bike inbetween riding in the hills around Bath. I think it annoyed my fellow riders a bit as I hopped around on the back wheel unannounced fully clipped in! It was only when I left the Uni for my first job that the new area curbed my XC riding and I bought a more trials orientated bike, although it doesn't seem very trials orientated by todays standard. Rather it was a Dual Slalom bike with long chain stays and BB drop, but the all important stand over height was there.

Only started trying pedal hops and sidehops once I had the new bike and progress was slow! 5 years on and although I've improved since then I still have so much unfulfilled potential, so when I get some time again then there's plenty of riding for me left to be had :lol:


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I used to ride dirt jump etc; but then i just fancied a change and someone was selling a mission £30. I thought ahhh well so i bought it, sold my dirt jump bike and got a t-comp. I put the money toward it and my parents put the rest up.

Good topic. :)


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Well I used to Race BMX, then a few years later i got bored of it then Got in to freeride where i then learnt loads of stuff, but i want to get more out of it, so I started trials to get more skills for freeride, but I loved trials to much and left the freeride scene, but I just got a new freeride bike(Norco shore 6) again last week for the first time in over 2years!

But Trials is where its at!!!


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MY mates started it then when i saw them riding i fort that looks kinda fun but i had no money so i had to wait for an oportunity to get a cheapy and i got a second hand mad 2 zero for £40, i then fixed it all up and got some maguras and i was riding.

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I used to work for the Lampkins in Silsden (big motorbike trials family), couldn't afford a motorbike so took up cyclos instead. I took all my inspiration from the likes of Ot Pi, Ceasar Canas, The two Martins and the Tongue brothers. I remember sharing a Monty with my mate and spending a whole day (dawn till dusk so nearly 12 hours) learning to get up stuff using the bash plate. I eventually got my own monty then moved up to 26". I started riding 10 years ago now ( makes me sound old I know) but have had a break for the last 5. Just getting back into it and am amazed by how much the sport has progressed. It's awesome.

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I had too many adrenalin fuelled accidents on my motorbikes and decided I needed to get my kicks somewhere safer...Then I started working with an trials rider who showed me the ropes. Two years on and I think its miles better than sports bikes, the cops just don’t give a damn if your on one wheel or none at all, but who would have thought trials is more expensive! Thanks Tim

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