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A Desperate Plea!

Urban mammoth

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You can read as many massive helpful posts as you like, the summary of all of them should be that you aren't taking enough protein and carbs per day.

In order to do anything about it, you are going to HAVE TO eat at LEAST 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight, every single day.

So you'll be looking at 180 ish grams per day. You can then look at carbs. Double the protein, so call it 400 grams per day.

Regardless of your routine in the gym, without this, you'll not really change. Which means the added inclusion of this, suggests you'll put weight on without changing any current routines.

Just don't eat it all in one go. Stagger it through the day. Much more than 30 grams of protein in one go means it's a waste, as your body passes it through before it's taken the needed proteins.

Everyone is different though, you obviously have a body thats not gonna be easy, so you gotta be extra strict and eat well, and more and mor and more.

I know i can put on a stone of muscle in a couple of months by training and eating. I've done it before and it's there if i discipline myself. You may find it harder. Try.

(Y) (Y). (supplements are no better than food. They are only more convenient) Protein and carbs (Y)


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i got the same problem as you ish dude am 6 ft 2 an weigh 13 half stone even though i can lift alot i just dont get bigger

but i noticed a distinct improvment when i take protein shakes as to when i dont, am hitting the gym now 3 times a week, an take a protein shake twice everyday, yer its expensive ish stuff but it works, i gotta get bigger myself by august so in 2-3 months al put up some before an after photo's an give you some competition to spur you on lol


excuse the gay pose but this is me about crimbo time! an al show you pics of what i look like in a few months

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eggs, you need to eat loads of them I have 5 in the morning on weekends, 6-8 weetabix throughout the week.

very high in cholesterol though.

5 eggs with 3 or 4 yolks removed is much healthier, just as much protein (the reason you are eating them, if you're trying to build muscle), and taste just the same scrambled.

about 7 grams of protein in the average sized egg (Y)

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yeah i know but i'm only eating them as a treat at the weekend and i have them scrambled or boiled so no added fats

will try the no yoak thing next weekend i presume they just look more white

steak is great too but not everyone can have it everynight as it's fairly expensive.

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If you're wanting to bulk, there's a limit to how much fat etc... you can or can't have. It's impossible to bulk and stay cut at the same time. Just eat everything in sight and train your arse off for 5 month till the summer. Then cut. That's if you're bothered about being toned.

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Yes they can be done on your own, but most certainly with the aid of the rack, something like this:


That way if you're struggling with a rep and you can't physically stand up, you can just drop down and the two horizontal bars will take the weight. Without something like that, or without someone to spot you, you stand a very real chance of hurting yourself when squatting, particularly with big weights.

at the gym at my rugby club we have this


do i use that in a similar way? do i set up and let the ends of the bar run down it to keep me straight?

sorry but i haven't ever done proper squats before :S



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at the gym at my rugby club we have this


do i use that in a similar way? do i set up and let the ends of the bar run down it to keep me straight?

sorry but i haven't ever done proper squats before :S



as far as oive ever been taught, what you got at the rugby club, is just there for restin the barbell on, so its at the correct height for you to step under it, lift it off, and have somewhere to put it when your finished.

personally i would use something like that to keep me straight, id just start with a low weight(as in one where you can do 15 with perfect form on first set), for the first few goes, just to get the technique dialled, slowly movin up the weights, till you get to 10's or 8's and are just breaking form on your last rep, or would do on the next one. using something to lean against, or guide you,is cheatin, so what i refer to as your stabilization muscles are hugely underdeveloped, which is i think what spacemunkee is going on about when he says your gluteus maximus(Arse muscles to me an u) activation is poor if you just do leg presses, its a similar thing, using a guide, means although your lifting the weight, your not lifting it controlled and unaided.

simple explanation is imagine gettin a loose window, and trying to lift it vertically up from underneath, chances are it would fall over, because you cant stabilize it enough. now opening that window vertically, from underneath, when its in its frame, is a piece of piss, because the guides controlling it. fore and aft, and side to side movement, similar thing using guides/machines in the gym, you dont need to stabilize anything because it only moves in one dimension. rather than your body controlling the movement of itself and the weight in 3 directions.

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From reading most of the posts and from my seeing plenty of guys using it at the gym - are supplements the only answer to getting big? Or are they the only answer to getting big quickly? Or at least quicker than you would going the 'au naturel' route.

I'm going to the gym pretty often. The overall intention is to stay healthy, get the blood flowing and kill time in a constructive manner. Would it be possible for me to get bigger than I am now without using supplements? Fyi, I'm 5'11 and weigh between 11.5 and 12 stone, I guess I've got the same physique as Luke up there (only with a bit of fur on my chest :P). I'm in no rush to get bigger plus I don't want to spend silly money on protein powder/other supplements. Basically, as uber, UBER tarty as it sounds, I'd like to go for the Brad Pitt Fight Club body, i.e. muscly yet defined but not massive - healthy and athletic essentially.

Any help'd be good (although perhaps I should have just opened a new topic).

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I added 5 stone in 1 1/2 years without any supplements. But now i wish i had of taken something, because my body just felt wrecked all the time because of training. I see them now as more of a staying healthy and repairing aid, rather then something to get big. Although, what do i know.

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I added 5 stone in 1 1/2 years without any supplements. But now i wish i had of taken something, because my body just felt wrecked all the time because of training. I see them now as more of a staying healthy and repairing aid, rather then something to get big. Although, what do i know.

What sort of diet were you on to gain 5 stone?

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ok last time i checked Biff had his routine dialled, this isnt training in a gym its just a bell bar and dumbells with a home made squat rack and bench and homemade weights out of steel, heard he's training with jono who was an ex body builder training out again for the marines, so got this routine here which is wednesdays routine.

He told me this isnt his old routine but his new 1 which he prefers, its 5 sets of 5. of each thing, minutes rest inbetween sets

goes in this order.

(Weight is added to the sets each weak for improvement) but only by 5/10 pounds

warm up - sit ups - 1 to 40 continuous 1 every second in correct form!

Dead lift - 260 pounds - 5 sets of 5

overshoulder press (behind neck routine) 5 sets of 5

Dips and chins 5 sets of 5

attatch weight belt and do 5 sets of 5 on dips and chins.

he logs down what he does, so lets say he gets on the 4th set of chins with 60 pound weight belt and gets 2 reps, he logs it and has to improve that on the following week

and thats how he knows hes getting stronger.

Diet is simple if you dont eat u aint gonna get bigger, he eats breakfast around 1300 cal, 4 eggs, 2 pint of milk steak(sometimes) bacon. Chicken for dinner etc (big dinner). also does his cardio Seperate times to the main workouts so thats running in the morning, 2 coffees helps the rate at which muscle isnt burnt off. seperates the hormonal path. lifts at night, also his bike he says is also cardio workout.

Quote biff

cheers kyle.

Edited by Kyle Hinchcliffe
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What sort of diet were you on to gain 5 stone?

I literally had 5 proper big meals throughout the day. And almost always constantly snacking inbetween. Chicken curry was my favourite. I know it's silly, but sometimes i used to eat until i was almost sick. Did get alot of strange looks at school, as i used to have just a bag full of food. Didnt really have a set diet, just whatever i could find.

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