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Dual Disc?


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i hope EVERYONE moves to a dual disc setup or at least a sensible magura one :D

i cant STAND the noise that most peoples super soft pads with harsh grind / tar rear brakes make when riding between spots or down a hill - especially in huge groups!

and i'm a rider

can't imagine what a random member of the public must be thinking. horiffic!

Edited by the boon
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Most people who jump on my bike are pretty impressed and how damn good the rear brake is.

sorry spode, your a lovely chap, and your rear brake was good..... for a disc.......

but to be honest, ive seen it slip several times on you, in just the one ride we have shared, and ive seen the faceplant clip where you disc totally fails.

i really didnt feel confident in your disc when i rode your bike.

bigman ran a rear 200mm mono trial for a while., and although the power was simply insane, i really just didnt trust it at all. despite riding it for a fair while. the way in which it locked up just didnt feel good at all, and the lever flex ment you had to back RIGHT off before the disc would release to allow gaps and things....

generally, not nice.

the few dual disc mods ive ridden have been ok.

that said, having gone rear disc 4 times, and ended up back with my magura every time, im really not convinced.

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sorry spode, your a lovely chap, and your rear brake was good..... for a disc.......

but to be honest, ive seen it slip several times on you, in just the one ride we have shared, and ive seen the faceplant clip where you disc totally fails.

i really didnt feel confident in your disc when i rode your bike.

bigman ran a rear 200mm mono trial for a while., and although the power was simply insane, i really just didnt trust it at all. despite riding it for a fair while. the way in which it locked up just didnt feel good at all, and the lever flex ment you had to back RIGHT off before the disc would release to allow gaps and things....

generally, not nice.

the few dual disc mods ive ridden have been ok.

that said, having gone rear disc 4 times, and ended up back with my magura every time, im really not convinced.

If I remember rightly, when I went riding with you I had just replaced the rear rotor and it was still bedding in somewhat. But I don't remember the disc slipping particuarly - if my disc is slipping, I wouldn't want to ride it! I know Matt was commenting on it looking like it was slipping when I was doing some taps the other day, but I think that's because I'm really lazy at pulling the levers - something I noticed riding Maguras - I really struggled to pull the lever hard enough. I also think the angle I'm running my levers at doesn't help. I run my levers quite close to the bars, and at the angle I have them at - when I'm back wheeling I can't pull them in as far (damn wrists).

Rob and I were just talking about this, and he was saying the only time its ever slipped was when he didn't pull the lever hard enough. When doing pedal hops and things you barely have to pull the lever to get it to lock, so it's easy to become complacent and not pull hard enough on more powerful moves. And Rob is 6'6" and weighs a fair amount more than me.

My face plant clip is nothing to do with the disc failing! Go watch it again :P It was just me being a klutz.

I've been riding Maguras for the past few weeks, and I've just got my DD back up and running. The difference was astonishing. The only way I got the lock everyone talks about with Maguras, was using tar. And although that locked on at first, it comes off over time. And the first time you apply it, it locks and then stays on because the pads are stuck to the rim, which was a horrible feeling and not to mention embarressingly noisy! PersonallyI feel that any brake that needs constant grinds, tar application, wheel truing and overall looking after in the sport we do, can't be right. Disc, straight out of the box and never needs touching.

There were other reasons for me not liking them. But as you say you didn't have the confidence in my disc. I didn't have any confidence in the Maguras. But after riding it for a while, I learnt to trust them and it was definetely holding. (pre-tar with just the grind though, It slipped through on many occasions just doing simple things).

Prawny - you're welcome to stay with Rob & I anytime, and you can give both of our bikes a proper ride ;)

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well - I rode dual disc on my orange zero for about 2 years with no problems... and that (I think) was a 160 hope XC thingy (the silver one that wheeler is still using today)

It locked up pretty well and was totally silent. - the only problem with a disc on a stock is the bouncy feeling of spoke flex on the rear wheel. and to be honest today id gladly sacrifice that for the love you get from a disc.

unfortunately for me - dengaboy never put disc mounts on the best frame he ever made... :rolleyes:

oh and i sidehopped to the left in that period.....

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well - I rode dual disc on my orange zero for about 2 years with no problems... and that (I think) was a 160 hope XC thingy (the silver one that wheeler is still using today)

It locked up pretty well and was totally silent. - the only problem with a disc on a stock is the bouncy feeling of spoke flex on the rear wheel. and to be honest today id gladly sacrifice that for the love you get from a disc.

unfortunately for me - dengaboy never put disc mounts on the best frame he ever made... :rolleyes:

oh and i sidehopped to the left in that period.....

I rode an M4 on an Orange Zero for years. Loved it. But I kept snapping the disc mount. It had two tiny lugs. They either cracked - or pulled right off. It was poorly designed.

It is a pity on the lack of disc mounts though. Everyone should have a right to a choice, but if you want to run dual discs, you have such a limited choice right now. If the Mission Reefers had disc mounts! (Dave rode those for years - uber cheap!).

I've been sidehopping a lot to the left recently, despite having my left foot forward. I can now side hop in both directions equally as high - if anything, my "weak" direction is better. And I screwed them up a few times and only hit the frame, not the disc :)

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I'm going dual disc soon and can't wait!

Dual disc stocks can hold uptop big dropgaps, take a look at Rich Pearsons videos, Thats a 180mm mono-trials on a pro II built 32h onto a Sun Rhyno Light. If that can hold upto dropgaps as big as those, then imagine what like a 36h 4X build with a bigger rim would be like!

I really can't see there being a problem with flex in my rear wheel, It's stupidly stiff as it is, so I havent even thought about it being an issue really. I mean, If I hold my maggie on with all my wait on the left pedal, you can see the BB flex long before the spokes or frame.

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I dont think you can beat a well set-up rim brake (vee or magura) in terms of instant power when you need it. My favourite brake set-up to date has been a vee brake with linear slick cable,avid housing, heatsink reds on a light grind.

In terms of dual disc, I dont think there is a call for them in street riding today, I can see where some of you are coming from when saying that a disc has it's advantages in competition use.

But you haven't considered the disadvantages fully. A disc is proven to put a significant amount more pressure through frames and wheels, if you are riding at an elite level in a competition, do you really want to be putting that kind of stress on your bike?

Also, competitions can involve difficult,slippery sections, obviously depending on what level you are competing at. So there is a chance to be fair, of you slipping down the side of a rock, and shagging your rotor a good'un.

A grind and good pads (imo), is up to the job of a rear disc, perhaps you cant gain as much modulation, but to be brutally honest, the only people (I feel) who need modulation are 24 inch riders, and they dont ride competitions anyway.

I feel front disc is a really good option now, my bike that is currently being built up for me now includes a front disc, an avid bb7 :), I have opted for a hs33 on the rear however. I think that if you have a dual disc frame, then fair enough to try and use a disc, but i think there is probably more cons then pro's when put up against a well set-up rim brake.

End of essay :)

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well - I rode dual disc on my orange zero for about 2 years with no problems... and that (I think) was a 160 hope XC thingy (the silver one that wheeler is still using today)

It locked up pretty well and was totally silent. - the only problem with a disc on a stock is the bouncy feeling of spoke flex on the rear wheel. and to be honest today id gladly sacrifice that for the love you get from a disc.

unfortunately for me - dengaboy never put disc mounts on the best frame he ever made... :rolleyes:

oh and i sidehopped to the left in that period.....

I think we can all ignore this post- coming from a guy who's happy with the performance of standard black magura pads on a polished rim... ;)

I ran dual disc for a good few years back when Echo first started making frames (the EM2 ~2002?) and only went to a maggy rear after a rather unimpressive outing on a Revell 20" in about 2005. The replacement was a Zoo Python which didn't have disc mounts so I was forced back to a rim brake. After a couple of years riding stock (rim rear) I'm now back on a Monty 221Pr dual disc and love it again. Although I don't exactly do huge drop gaps and the like, for my riding (lots of natural these days and normal ups/gaps etc) I find it ideal. Not sure how long the frame will last (about 3 months and counting so far and all good), but if this one ever gives up I'll be almost certainly sticking with DD.

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