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Pimp My Mbk Part 3


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complete edit:

Ben Travis, look again please. Its a standard Hope Mono Trial with the extra parts that you can buy at every Hope dealer.

And it dont have a laser atached tartybikes logo, and the reason I dont want one is becouse I think its enough with stickers and stuff like that. Do you get it?

I dont know how it is in your contry, but here in Sweden peple are allowed to have their own opinions about things.

hmmm ok, fair enough. i didnt look as hard as i should have, BUT u need to stop with the patronising comments, i have seen them in other topics and you will make a name for yourself to be fair.


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hur många miljoner har du lagt på hojen nu ungefär? :S

hur känns styret? lite sugen på nåt annat, har haft mitt guldiga tryall i lite över 3 år nu, börjar bli dax för ett byte...

för många? den kostar som en ny furia moped eller nåt :ermm:

ja har inte testat speciellt mkt men efter det lilla jag har så känns det väldigt bra! mkt bättre än det gammla.

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