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Not Just Another Trials Park, The Uks Best!

Ali C

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Interesting bunch of pics, would have been nice to have a bike in amongst the pics so that we can see the scale and technical layout of the whole thing. any plans to expand with more stuff given the size of the site location?

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  Rusevelt said:
Interesting bunch of pics, would have been nice to have a bike in amongst the pics so that we can see the scale and technical layout of the whole thing. any plans to expand with more stuff given the size of the site location?

Yeah like he said there will be more phases of work but they will take time as theres not just trials being done.

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  basher said:
Yeah like he said there will be more phases of work but they will take time as theres not just trials being done.
Can they create this kind of man-made natural stuff, (Victoria Park/east london) but be more creative? Edited by Rusevelt
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  Ali C said:
looks cool! might be hard to recreate though :S

By the way, people are welcome to ride the quarry as it is, just beware of the machines working up there.

Nah not to recreate as this stuff is just boring square shaped moulds, just to understand the process of doing it but create something unique. i think the process here is pretty much like they do with skateparks, they dig and shape the dirt then mould it with the concrete. would be wicked to see something with the combination of rolling skatepark theme with technical natural theme, if it can be done that is....

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  Rusevelt said:
Can they create this kind of man-made natural stuff, (Victoria Park/east london) but be more creative?


i soooo badly wanna ride there!!

if only that quary was nearer i would be up there like a shot!

but keep up the work ali (Y)


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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys

Had a message off Tony Lund saying there is a lot more funding for the park for next year. What I want is people's views who have been up there on what the area could do with. I know there is deffo some concrete tubes and other shapes being included, but what do YOU want?

some sketches or photos would make things easier to get across to the builders what you want.


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I get what you mean, like a sloped wall?

I was thinking about something like the crappy paint 2 second diagram below. A sloped floor with a flat wall/platform. Obviously this means that better riders can just move further down the wall to practice sidehops or hooks or stuff. The slope would have to be less severe then pictured so that run ups werent affected too much. Also if the end it made quite high, drop offs and potentially drop gaps can be tried. Riders can work their way down the peice and it will show people how much they can progress


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I havn't been up there so correct me if theres already this stuff, but objects based around the current UCI courses (man made, big pillars/square concrete blocks etc) would be good for the UK to have.

Also maybe one large feature (as commented on in Revolvers post) that included a hooking wall (could be angled tapering to a steeper angle to verticle with a height increase)/tapping wall/steep uneven side?

Something to help riders learn the techniques needed in todays comps by giving them the walls/objects to learn on, and work their way up.

I recon the key to it being have variety, so small walls for the young ones and big, challenging ones for better riders.

Also plan ahead for the future, with gaps/ups/tech stuff that are out of some peoples reach at the moment, but gives them something to aim for to improve.

Er, I went off on a tangent there, but some of it may be of use to you Ali (Y)

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  Has anyone seen my shoe? said:
I get what you mean, like a sloped wall?

I was thinking about something like the crappy paint 2 second diagram below. A sloped floor with a flat wall/platform. Obviously this means that better riders can just move further down the wall to practice sidehops or hooks or stuff. The slope would have to be less severe then pictured so that run ups werent affected too much. Also if the end it made quite high, drop offs and potentially drop gaps can be tried. Riders can work their way down the peice and it will show people how much they can progress


Exactly that, except I think I'd have it flat along the floor, and the top sloped, unlike your diagram. If you have a gentle enough slope it would work.

It has potential for training sidehops, up to fronts, taps, all of that, then you could manual along it and drop or drop-gap it.

Perhaps even make a similar sized object near it so you could gap to that, like a 1-2ft wide column. :P

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I'd like to see a few low obstacles (Low enough to step off easily if you overbalance) with the emphasis on precision and technique rather than big drops with big consequences... The trials park in Sabadell (Only trials specific spot I've ever ridden) had a lot of stuff like that (As well as the crazy difficult stuff), concrete filled pipes of various diameters, a lot of them less than a foot off the ground with varying gaps and directions for backwheeling between, where making the line hinged on being able to hop the bike precisely on a small spot to line up each gap. Sleepers arranged in a few different loops, with varying width, slopes and side slopes to test balance would be cool too. Low rails to help get used to the feel of the bike gapping rail to rail without having to worry about a big fall would help me no end :P.

To get there does anyone know what the handiest option would be from Ireland? Ferry to Holyhead/Fishguard and lots of driving seems to be the most likely (I've done Liverpool before, so it's mostly a matter of going further inland from there by the looks of it on the map).

What's the story on getting accommodation local to the quarry?

If I was to fly in to Liverpool rather than drive is there public transport to get me out there or is a car rental a better idea?

...A plan is forming for somewhere to go next summer :D...

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There is loads of small stuff to play on, literally you can see a small line anywhere you look :)

Signposts to each section would be handy, otherwise you could end up walking for ages to not find one of the trials specific sections; fortunately being a quarry there are rocks all over the place.

There are some lowish (about 12-18") high rails that you can hop to and from, alot of them are sloping though to compound the issue if its wet; theyre also not really in a row so you can hop rail to rail.

Im pretty sure its a hire car job as I dont think there is a railway at bacup, you also need to know where youre meant to be driving to. Easiest if you can hook up with someone who knows.

Edited by forteh
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  psycholist said:
Much as I suspected on the travel front then, more a decision as to whether to road trip from Ireland or endure airline baggage restrictions... Between 3 or 4 people it won't break the bank :).

There aren't really any stations close by, I think Rochdale or Todmorden are the closest. If you where to hire a car it's only about a 45min drive.

My and some others from Liverpool go up now and then, we where up there Yesterday infact, it's really simple to get to.

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I like the idea of the sloped wall but have the wall flat with the ground stepped under neath at about a bikes length each step against the wall, use steps of like 1 foot high, then you could sidehop from flat or hook and range from 1 foot to like 5 by the end for hooks.







You can see my ultra accurate drawing above using nothing but grammar

My last post didn't quite work, the steps should be staggered after each other following the wall along, I will try a drawing without using punctuation as the basis.

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