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lets not go on to racism :turned:

I swear all the time, i couldn't care less about it to be honest, if it isn't defined in the dictionary its a fake word with no meaning and shouldn't offend a soul.

note i was saying 'lets not go on to racism' to the people that replied to terror error, saying don't be racsit.

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i used to be proper polite, well spoken, till the later years of schoolboy football, when we had coaches who swore in front of us, and really didnt mind us calling the other team f**kin w**kers right before we stuck an elbow in there face in dirty tackles. so then it became acceptable to swear a lot of time in sport. then i started work, and was with people who swore every other f**kin word, i soon followed suit, and have a mouth a sailor would be proud of. dont think my language is proper bad, but ill say anyword, to most people, if the situation is right. if someone swears at me, or is aggressive to me, ill soon swear back at them, even if they are 75 years old. if there big enough to say the words, there big enough to listen to them. but on the other hand, if im out with a group of 20 year old lads, and no one swears, ill pretty quickly fall in with the crowd and not swear. also tend not to swear in front of women, at all.

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I swear a reasonable amount when I'm just talking, as I guess quite a lot of (most?) people do. Between friends and what-have-you I've got absolutely no problem with it (with the C-word excepted, that just sounds foul), but some people do get offended by it, and that's reason enough to curb it a little. You're not going to prove a social point by offending someone in the street. When I see swearing in arguments and stuff it annoys me because people cloud over their points with over-emotive language (swearing in particular), so whenever you want to be taken seriously you probably shouldn't curse like a mofo.

Yes, they are just words, but words convey meaning (duh) so you're probably better off cutting down on swearing however little you do, you'll just sound a little more intelligent.

Joe x

Quick extra 2p: If you didn't know a swear word was a swear word, you could claim that it was no more offensive than any normal word, but the fact that it is a swear word makes it offensive.

Edited by Josephine
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I don't swear much, only when the need arises. I don't see the point in swearing constantly, and I don't believe it 'gives the edge' to any sentence. It makes people sound stupid and makes them sound as though they're choice of vocabulary very limited.

I mean, have you ever actually sat on the bus with some lads at the back and one of them comes out with 'yeaaa, but hes a complete f**king twat', the first thing that comes into my head is dirty scummer with no respect for anything.

I may be a hypocrite by that fact that most of my posts have swearing in them, but what I type and what I say is completely different. I don't find swearing offensive, I don't care about things like that. But I don't want peoples first opinions of me to be 'you retard'.

Also I'd say its a definate turn off for the ladies.

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I swear quite alot, but if im argueing with someone I wont swear, as soon as you start swearing at me in a arguement or call me gay then you wont have to wait long for the barrage patronising sentances.

I find partronising someone much more fulfilling then swearing at them.

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or call me gay

I'd seriously love that to happen in an arguement, I don't think I'd ever stop laughing. Reminds me of little arguments you used to have in primary school like 'Yea but you're gay!' followed by 'Yea but your mums a fat slag' etc. Ahhh. Good times in school; good times.

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I dont mind people swearing but i just hate neds who total over swear. The other night some kid waslike " can u jump on them fukin rocks?" and i was like wow total over uses of it.

But yeah like most people here i swear when its needed.

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pretty much all my tutors swear and was common for my old instructors to sweat at engineering college.

does add enthusiasm, maybe im that poorly educated i cant get my point across without swearing or maybe i just cant help myself :rolleyes:

was it warm there yer?


i swear, quite bad actually, like when im on msn, ill write something, send it, then read it and i will have swore without noticing!


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i work as a mechanic so im with 15 other guys all day long and no-one hold back on anything. its just become part of normal conversation.

at home i only swear as and when necessary, ie dropping laptop on foot or stubbing toe on dogs bowl.

when im with my mates its just as bad as at work.

i dont really see that much wrong with it as im so used to it now but i can see how people with diffrent upbringings and backgrounds can be offended.

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Personally i'm not bothered by it as long as its not meaningful.

Loads of people swear in general conversation, its just a part of life. But when some is really trying to be offensive it sometimes does get a bit annoying

I work on phones a lot myself so am used to having to watch what i say and normally only tend to swear when im around people i know well.

Would never swear in front of my parents and never have, just the way i been brought up


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Thing is with english there aren't enough curse words, actually, none really have a religious significance... Great thing is, most religious words are of latin origin so they sound awsome in french, actually the province of Quebec is the only place where people commonly curse with religious words : Osti, calice, tabarncle, cyboire, crisse [deformation of christ]. We use then some much we not only made then in a participle like f**king, they are out right verbs, "crisser, calicer..." + being the only french speaking place in America, we can use all the english swearing fluently !

I personally am trying to reduce my swearing so it adds pun at specific sentences as I tend to swear alot.

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I swear like a mother f**ker haha!

Like, when at work, if i do the simplest thing wrong, il shout, "you f**king b*****d" - same as when im playing pool...

But then when i do summit wrong which is a big problem, i go of the hook and just randomly swear lmao!

I dont care what so ever about swearing... not at all... all these hindu's n shit that care, can f**k off outa our country if they care THAT much!

i found that hillarious

i dont think his comment sounds socalled "racist"

if a white man attacks a blackman/asian person etc " racially provoked attack if it the other way round " un provoked random attack"

and back on topic i do swear quite abit but i try not to round family

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I swear infront of friends, not family though, except sister i.e 'give me the laptop you fanny/willy' don't take the piss' 'stop taking the f**king piss' 'shut the f**k up' etc.

Swear if i want infront of mates. Sometimes comedy needs swearing (watch Lee Evans) I like/try to be funny when i can, so swearing is on the books.

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i found that hillarious

i dont think his comment sounds socalled "racist"

if a white man attacks a blackman/asian person etc " racially provoked attack if it the other way round " un provoked random attack"

and back on topic i do swear quite abit but i try not to round family

You're an idiot. Though I guess Hinduism isn't a race. But seriously, how ignorant do you have to be to say something like that.

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Im an ignorant person... do i care? do i f**k?!?

I dont care about any other people apart from myself, and the people i know... anyone i dont know, i couldnt give 2 shits to be honest...

The reason i brought hindu's into this topic, is because, they are trying to change OUR country, it isnt even theirs, its ours... fair enough, swearing isnt right, but they shouldnt be telling us what not to do... its upto us... afterall, its our country... we're british... get me?

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Im an ignorant person... do i care? do i f**k?!?

I dont care about any other people apart from myself, and the people i know... anyone i dont know, i couldnt give 2 shits to be honest...

The reason i brought hindu's into this topic, is because, they are trying to change OUR country, it isnt even theirs, its ours... fair enough, swearing isnt right, but they shouldnt be telling us what not to do... its upto us... afterall, its our country... we're british... get me?


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Im an ignorant person... do i care? do i f**k?!?

I dont care about any other people apart from myself, and the people i know... anyone i dont know, i couldnt give 2 shits to be honest...

The reason i brought hindu's into this topic, is because, they are trying to change OUR country, it isnt even theirs, its ours... fair enough, swearing isnt right, but they shouldnt be telling us what not to do... its upto us... afterall, its our country... we're british... get me?


didn't really want to draw any more attention to it, but it's time for you to grow up.

a few months ago i was as bitter and twisted as you can get, strong opinions on certain 'topics'......ok basically i was a nazi.

anyway, i realised pretty much what you have said, life is too short to get hung up on other people, just concentrate on your own life, however part of that is not giving a shit about 'hindus' as you put it.

who cares if they live on 'our' country, you aren't Mr. England, i'm pretty certain you haven't contributed anything to the well being of the british isles at all, so why are you getting all OFFENSIVE?? It should be DEFENSIVE there, but no one has actually attacked you.

Seriously, keep your racism to yourself, you change nothing by spouting stupid comments like that, you just make yourself look like a bad person. Fair enough if in the future a 'hindu' somehow effects your life, then feel free to say what you feel needs to be said.

I personally think racism is a load of bs, but you have to learn to keep opinions like that to yourself, there are some soft people out there who are easily offended and one day you are gonna say the wrong thing and it's gonna get you in trouble.

be racist if you must, but don't just bring your opinions up unprovoked. If there is one thing i've learnt in the last year and a half, its that NO ONES OPINION MATTERS, so it's better to just say nothing at all. you'll be better off.

true freedom of speech is a myth, so don't bring that up.

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Opinions are to be shared.

Why should people be scared to express them just because someone else might take offence.

We now live in a world where we cant even speak our mind without being ass raped.

Yes i am a racist b*****d, but as you can see, ive not gone ape shit about it for once :)

Edited by Si-man
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Opinions are to be shared.

Why should people be scared to express them just because someone else might take offence.

We now live in a world where we cant even speak our mind without being ass raped.

Yes i am one of the most racist bastards you will meet, but as you can see, ive not gone ape shit about it for once :)

well, you can say it if you like i'm not going to tell you what you can or can't do, but you will offend someone, i guess its a choice between coming across as a well balanced person with good self control, or a f**king fanny.

and to be honest....why say that sorta shit anyway? the odd racist joke, yeh sure i'm up for that, but why constantly say controversial stuff? it doesn't achieve anything at all, so at the end of the day there is only one reason you would say that sort of stuff, and it's to do with yourself, not other cultures.

basically if your life is so lame that you get hung up on what other people are doing, especially entire groups of people you have never met, then it's time you got a new hobby.

i've been there, and said that, and i'm not proud of it, but like i said, i've changed my ways and now i'm just chill with everything, if i feel the need to get into an argument that will reflect badly on me i stop and walk away, life isn't about what annoys you, it's about what makes you happy, and slagging off pakis wasn't something i wanted to be associated with.

sure, i still have strong opinions on the inside, but there's a time and a place to discuss such things. you don't just randomly bring that sorta thing up unprevoked. and at the end of the day, 70 years from now, you'll be on your death bed and non of this crap will even matter, so why waste your energy.

whats so great and english that you feel the need to protect anyway? curry is pretty much our folk dish nowadays, the government was set up by the french, and our royal family is german.

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Speaking your mind is fine, you just have to be big boys and accept that not everyone will agree with you. If you hold your opinions that dearly to your heart, you wont be too upset if a few people you dont really know disagree.

Your situtations must be a lot worse than mine, I was taught to, and still do, look after and help anyone who hasnt show me harm or given me cause to fear that. At least two of the protagonists in this thread have benefited from me taking that outlook, but I'm rather wishing now I hadnt bothered. How anyone can prize ignorance above tolerance and care is beyond me.

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Opinions are to be shared.

Why should people be scared to express them just because someone else might take offence.

We now live in a world where we cant even speak our mind without being ass raped.

Yes i am a racist b*****d, but as you can see, ive not gone ape shit about it for once :)

Personally, I feel people "speak their mind" on TF a bit too much about certain topics. At times it seems like this is just a breeding ground for the latest brainless f**ktards who are going to head off and sign up to the BNP asap, which I really don't want to promote in any way. However, I can accept that other people have opinion, so I fight off the temptation to abuse my powers. You're talking about how "opinions are to be shared", yet you're saying that more pacifist, non-racist views shouldn't be heard? Your views are contrary to the majority, so if you can't deal with the fact that you're going to get shit off people you're needlessly pissing off, you may want to follow Rich's advice. To put it another way, it's basically a case of being tactfull. If people kept coming up to you and threatening you with violence or making some other slur on you for some aspect of your character, you'd probably get a bit f**ked off by it. Back that up with years of institutionalisation of those slurs and a massive history of persecution, and you'd have even more reason to be pissed off. I know it's hard, but at least try and look at it from someone else's perspective, yeah?

Back when I lived in Wales I was fully tolerant of other cultures and thought they benefited other people as a whole, but since moving to the centre of London and living in halls with people who are predominantly foreign (I'm amazed when if I hold a door open for someone they say "Thanks" in English...), my views have changed slightly. The majority of people here really f**k me off, purely because it seems that they just don't really get taught to be decent people in other countries. The majority of people here are outright rude, don't really have any sense of manners or anything like that, and just generally aren't nice people. It gets a bit old constantly struggling to understand what people are saying due to a poor grasp of English, and an even smaller amount of actually putting effort in to communicate clearly with people who are native to the country they've moved to.

Then, however, I actually thought outside of my current situation and realised that these racial stereotypes, the ones the twats at the BNP, all the other "We're not Nazi scum, honest" parties all hold true, and all the usual racist f**ks out there all hold to be true, are sometimes accurate. However, what most people seem to not realise is that in their bid to be the most patriotic person possible and talking about how amazing the UK is, and how great it is to be British, they seem to totally forget that these sort of rude, ill-mannered, uncivilised people were already here. No matter what some foreign person does to annoy me in some way, I can guarantee that it'll have either happened before or will happen from someone who's fully British, and has no foreign connections at all. In fact, it often seems that because of the way that foreigners know they're on thin ice with the population by not hailing from this country, they tend to watch themselve a bit more. The shit I usually get off people when I'm out and about tends to be exclusively from British people who are using the fact that they know it's "their place" to be total bellends.

A lot of people are far too quick to gloss over the negative aspects of our society and the positive aspects of others purely to get arsey at people for no good reason.

Back on topic, I don't swear when I'm at home with either of my parents, and I generally try and limit it when I'm with either my brother or my sister, but out riding I don't really mind. I don't really like people shouting and swearing much, and as a result I don't do it myself. Just in conversation though, I'll often drop in some sort of swear word just from a force of habit, really. I generally don't really mean anything by it unless I'm really annoyed with someone, so as a result I guess it still keeps some of it's effect.

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