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What Could You Do After One Month?


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ive been on two rides and can do controlled kick hops, lunges, sidehops from rear wheel, and drops up to about a foot and a half, i can also up to rear wheel on 3 pallets.

i have an advantage though as ive been riding bmx for about 5 years so a lot of it comes pretty quickly.

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^^ lol

after 1 month i could back hop like 4 time , gap about half a bike length, pedal kick 4 times in a row , hope in most diresctions lol , i couldnt get get thing though i just couldnt find any where to practise !

( deffently get some clips up of you gives some of the other newbies somthing to compare to )

Edited by t.w
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only been riding about 4 days but ...

still trying to get balanced on the back wheel lol, but i can get up things about half the bike height and up about 4/5 stairs, still a bit iffy geting up on walls though, front wheel up is fine no problem, but its geting the back wheel up :S

any tips?

Edited by MeanHeart
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well i havent even been riding a month but all i can do at the moment is pedal hop like 5 times in a row (woo) and hop off some tall things but i sometimes get scared. lol

and i get up stuff like the size of my bike lol not very good but hey

I think that's really good! I can do what you can do but I've been riding two months.

Keep at it!

only been riding about 4 days but ...

still trying to get balanced on the back wheel lol, but i can get up things about half the bike height and up about 4/5 stairs, still a bit iffy geting up on walls though, front wheel up is fine no problem, but its geting the back wheel up :S

any tips?

I remain adamant about this because I think it's true - All you need to do is practise! Practice makes perfect!

Picking up the basics is easy, all you need to do is keep working at them.

EDIT: I think I'll have some clips up tonight. I'll post them in a new thread.


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I did a four foot drop on my first days street trials riding, proper technique and everything!

i learnt the technique for dropping on a kerb in about two hours riding with instruction from my mate who'd been riding for quite a while.

After a month of riding i was gapping about 4ft from a wall to a rail then dropping off the rail to the ground and i could do a 7foot drop off an old machine gun pill box thing from the war near where i live.

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i've been riding for a month and a bit now and i can; pedal hop with ease, 180 spins, launch up 4/5 pallets to back wheel, endo, do 3 front wheel hops....thats about it but i have had some really good guys teaching me (aim@me, AJFGU20", Davenorfolk cheerz guuys (Y) )

ryan (Y)

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Well after a month on my jump bike I could do 3 back hops.

After a month with my trials I can pedal hop, back hop, 4 foot drops, 1-2 foot backwheel, wheel switches, rock walk, 180 on a flat, 270 off a wall, pedal gaps, pedal gap to front wheel.

I've been told that I am progressing really fast.

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