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26" To 24"?


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Same as Leedstrials really, i've always had a streety/BMXeyness about the way I ride (mainly due to riding company) so switched to 24", it's the best investment i've made in my 8 years riding. The bike is much more flickable and feels so solid and confidence inspiring, I can't see me ever moving back to stock.

I'd say the choice to switch has mainly to do with your riding style. If you've got more of a street/BMX flavour then i'd say do it, you won't regret it.

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haha i saw that earlier :) just change the bar and stem and itll be a nifty little begginers bike (singlespeed kit saves the hassle of dumping the gears and 450 is a bargain)

i have a zoot atm, and its great, id like something a little shorter though (its a 1040mm wheelbase), because i want my riding to be more flowy bunnyhoppy rather than bouncy gappy



thats how mine is currently, crap pics i know, but it certainly looks better than standard :)

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Needless to say I moved from 26" to 24", 24UK to be precise :)

The flickier frame injected a new lease of life into my riding with rotation moves and bunny hops becoming easier. Here's a photo from a moment when the 24UK wasn't sat in the shed whilst I change nappies!

I'm going to start riding at work lunchtimes again down the local and rather tame (fortunately) ramps (Y)



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Being in the US, I have never even seen a 24". Are they very popular, or do they have a more limited following?

It'ss fairly limited i'd say, theres fewer frames(zoot, ciguena, 24uk or iolos) + rims(V!Z, spank, dh ones) available compared to mods or stocks.

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It'ss fairly limited i'd say, theres fewer frames(zoot, ciguena, 24uk or iolos) + rims(V!Z, spank, dh ones) available compared to mods or stocks.

Components wise, there may be less choice of rims and tyres than for 26" or 20", but there is still plenty of choice between some great items. Standard 26" components can be used for all the other components aside from the wheels.

Since the modern breed of 24" frame is built around a 26" fork geometry (following on from the Ashton ET 24"), the issue with limited availability of forks with the vee bosses 1 inch lower is sidestepped by running a front disk.

As a case in point, have a look at the components on this bike belonging to Jan at trialsmarkt.de



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