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The Sidehop Thread


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title change is a bit childish.

edit - very

Not really its true if trials is at the point where people most enjoy seeing people tryna sit down at the side of a bike then that is very sad. The British riding is so boring i see videos of the top riders and just think where is the style, you watch videos of alot of foreign riders they have inventive styles and most of them have nice interesting styles rather than a typical uk video sidehop stupid tuck gap slow mo black and white 50000 different angles meh rant over


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so just because mods/admins see it as pointless they change the title....woah not to biased?

people ride the way they do cos they enjoys themselves sorry you dont....you seem to come across as a natty rider?? its always the natty riders that moan...christ let it be stop friggin moaning

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so just because mods/admins see it as pointless they change the title....woah not to biased?

people ride the way they do cos they enjoys themselves sorry you dont....you seem to come across as a natty rider?? its always the natty riders that moan...christ let it be stop friggin moaning

hahaha...possibly the stupidest comment ever.

and before you ask. NO i wont elaborate on it.

I seriously think that one of two things should be done with this topic....


I dont want the forum clogged up with pics of tucks (what would happen if it got closed...so make it a sticky, then i will hardly notice it.

I never read the sticky topics.

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after reading a hand full of posts on the 1st page i find myself thinking. WHY a pic of a tuck???? why dont you try ride straight up half these jock off walls your sidehopping up??? or try upto front wheel????

just something different to the norm.......theres more to trials than sidehoppping. and i think THAT is where it has lost alot of its style, Akrigg cant sidehop 50" but everyone likes to see his riding because he isnt sidehopping his bike to death. PLUS its much harder to get up something straight on than it is sidehopping, no matter what anyone says, the power used in a sidehop and technique is no where near as hard as working out your pedaling technique and massive power required to jump up something face on. or even pulling a massive hook.

PS i ride natural and street, so i wouldnt use that as an excuse or something against another rider, i just feel that you have a bike with 2 wheels, use the 2 frigging wheels to ride at things as opposed to using you bike like a uni cycle or pogo stick. just my opinion on the matter, sorry if i come across an old moaning git, but iv been in trials for 7 years and iv seen it go from, MTB frames to trials specific frames and yes its good to see progression etc, but sometimes it just needs a bit more "riding" at things as opposed to hopping your t!ts off at things.


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hahaha :lol: you cheeky sod ben!!!! iv been doing it since i was 16 (Y) when i started part time at aire valley.

am now 24 (25 in sept) FORK! its 8 years :( still not as old as you are eh ;) hehe.

ye, you can owe me that hug next time i see you luv. iv heard scottish hugs are pretty good. nice and caring


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hahaha :lol: you cheeky sod ben!!!! iv been doing it since i was 16 (Y) when i started part time at aire valley.

am now 24 (25 in sept) FORK! its 8 years :(still not as old as you are eh ;) hehe.

ye, you can owe me that hug next time i see you luv. iv heard scottish hugs are pretty good. nice and caring


23. :P get it up you haha

Edited by ben_travis
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i think you usually dinf that in your back.................(i think)

hes laughing that much it is going down his spine. us northerners dont know how to talk you see. (Y):) but we sure know how to have a good gaff.


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Waynio has hit the nail on the head!My ligaments are made of gandhi's sandals so tucking is out of the question.Point is are people missing the challenge of having every move as a "string to their bow".Waynes right about run ups,i've been riding since i was young, same as Wayne, Tarty or loads of others (i'm 26 this year) and still struggle with timing because what the terrain i ride on is different everytime.My problem is nothing but natural is ridden and the rocks are all no more than a bikes length and less. My mistake is the same as everyones except pros I suppose because we all get stuck in a groove and believe that inch pinching on a side or tap is all we can do good. I think we have some amazing talent on this forum who can really blow away european riders.

All we need to do is diversify our riding and then i'll sit back and look at the talent shine. The trials scene will be amazing.

Craig (geordie)

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i agree with geordies post. nicely put (Y)

And natural is alot more challenge, can be very impressive, definatly more fun when you get the hang of it. so many more lines in one place. i live in the south, rocks are hard to come by, i would die to live up north, seems like everyone has loads of rocks to play on. i might have to go on holiday up there sometime in the next few years. f**k the hot weather abroad, id be up for a cheap trials holiday in the north of england.

nice pics btw lads. i sense a swindlehurst video coming up soon, the amount of print screens he keeps giving us :P

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