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What Made You Start


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ok on way home today from local bike shop and i was thinking what did most people make them wanna do trials

for me it was seeing ian drummond do a demo at some bike show in london in i think 2004 and it really made me wanna try, ok he was riding for diamondback but it was a wikid show

made me get a mission reefer with the 1.5 headset for some reason lol

what made you start

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Seeing Chainspotting for the first time when it came out (and then watching Dirt and Getta Grip in the same sitting).

That and a pic in MBUK of Rob Warner doing a wheelie with no front wheel with the caption "Rob's excuse this time was that he left his front wheel at home."

That was SOME time ago.

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Went to a bicycle shop one day to buy a disc brake, bought it and had it mounted by one of the guys working there. They were closing so he told me to wait, took his XC bike which he used to ride to work and showed me some pedalkicks, pivots etc. I was like :blink: After that I was hooked, started learning those moves from the internet all by myself. I first rode trials with another rider about 8 months later.

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I started in the big trials boom of the 90's, when the martyns had a monty section in MBUK of how to's for about 5 differant moves each month.

The article with a bunch of guys from the I.O.W. was what assured me I wanted to do trials, some of those guys were riding heavey tool's bike's which looked absoutley fantastic back in the day, I allways wanted one so bad.

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I started riding motorbike trials when i was nine, and at the competitions i used to go to there was always a few push bike riders, i can remember watching two of them ride at Bracken rocks, and i just got interested and started.

Currently: i have started bmxing, i haven't been on my trials motorbike in a long time, and i haven't been on my trials push bike in a while either. I think i need to sort that out :ermm:

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Seeing another matie in town doing kick hops across the flower bed. At the time I had just got the best bike in the world (Saracen X-Ile) and could just about lift my front wheel off the ground enough to clear a curb ahhaha. What a rookie I was.

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A mate had `Tricks and Stunts`and `Revolution` on VHS, I watched it and couldn't help but be blown away by the riding. I remember seeing riders pedal-hop for the first time and thought "I have to bloody learn that"!

Proceeded to try back-hopping on my Kona Firemountain, and then an Azonic DS-1 for a year.... going to a carpark late at night (I hate people watching me), and trying my heart out to nail back-hops. Got them down and hassled a mate (sorry Pete!), for ages on how to pedal kick.... he couldn't explain it for shit. Then one day I got a few.... I was so happy!

Then someone offered me a T-rex cheap, and here I am now.... still shit! Haha, but loving it! :)

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alex!beastytrials had me on MSN for some reason, he said 'you go on tf?' I said 'tf?' he said 'trials-forum' and i said 'no' so i signed up, watched loads of vids and stuff and a month later i bought Ricky Colemans Da Bomb for 100 quid, that got me started, got a T-Pro frame and other stuff and transfered that onto some Da Bomb shiznik, here i am 5 months down the line and i'm a budding rider.

Thank you lil welsh dude :wub:

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alex!beastytrials had me on MSN for some reason, he said 'you go on tf?' I said 'tf?' he said 'trials-forum' and i said 'no' so i signed up, watched loads of vids and stuff and a month later i bought Ricky Colemans Da Bomb for 100 quid, that got me started, got a T-Pro frame and other stuff and transfered that onto some Da Bomb shiznik, here i am 5 months down the line and i'm a budding rider.

Thank you lil welsh dude :wub:

and dont i regret it >_<


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I grew up in the era of Hans Rey (and Tinker Juarez for all you XC geeks) and knew some guys who did demo's etc . Was very inspired by vids like Evolve (on Video - anyone remember those?)but never got into it due to XC and road racing. After I stopped racing and moved to this country I bought my first trials bike and have been hooked ever since.

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Actually forget what I said.... I owe it all to junior kick-start with Peter Purves as a kid! :P Anyone remember that?

Kickstart was the first and most popular of the Motorcycle Trials shows on TV. Audiences were astonished to see riders riding their bikes over VW beetles and so on. Very soon that was regarded as passe and with the continental riders showing off their indoor arena skills (something that the UK didn't have at that time) the sport developed using some awesome obstacles. Peter remembers riders having to go over the arms of a fully extended JCM. Fearsome, but no one fell and no-one was hurt.

Junior Kickstart was spawned by the adult version with youngsters up to the age of fourteen competing over similarly difficult courses. One favourite obstacle was 'Zebedee' a sprung plank, named after the character in the Magic Roundabout. If the riders hit it wrong, they were sprung off the side of it! Junior Kickstart saw the emergence of the current World Outdoor Trials Champion, Dougie Lampkin, though he never won. That honour went to Steve Colley and Graham Jarvis, both also in the world top half dozen.

Peter's Favourite Moments

"In Junior Kickstart I'll never forget the young lad who fell on the 'pole-over-the-hole'. He hurt his pride and almost destroyed his manhood, but the ensuing rush of St John's Ambulance men into the pit, where they all fell over, was a piece of television hysteria! (and history!).

Edited by Concussion
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i was 11 and saw Barry Deeks (badboy) over my local park hopping single step at a time up a set of stairs, i couldnt beleive what he was doing and decided it wa the way forward!

bought MBUK saw Jez Avery, Oliver Grossman and Martyn Ashton doing a bunnyhop comp and studied those pictures for weeks! It was seeing the martins on Getta Grip (free video with MBUK) that made me realise i needed THOSE yellow brakes for trials use.lol

never looked back and have read/watched everything trials related since, learning more and more untill now where i can sent my girlfriend to sleep with a single trials story lol

Love it!

good topic dude (Y)

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i was 11 and saw Barry Deeks (badboy) over my local park hopping single step at a time up a set of stairs, i couldnt beleive what he was doing and decided it wa the way forward!

bought MBUK saw Jez Avery, Oliver Grossman and Martyn Ashton doing a bunnyhop comp and studied those pictures for weeks! It was seeing the martins on Getta Grip (free video with MBUK) that made me realise i needed THOSE yellow brakes for trials use.lol

never looked back and have read/watched everything trials related since, learning more and more untill now where i can sent my girlfriend to sleep with a single trials story lol

Love it!

good topic dude (Y)

i saw this guy and his bro ripping it on some oold school mission jumpin jacks! rode with em on my appollo slammer for ages, then finally stumped up the cash for a mission of my own lol


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I was kind of always doing technical street, and became quite goot at it. Some day my mate said: "hey - let's learn pedal kick" ok I said, so we did, then another trick and so on. I never saw any trials riders live or videos on internet, because I didn't have an internet connection. I was never specially interested in trials as it is, but guys who watched me riding street were like "hey dude you should really be doing trials", so after about a year of putting off i started doing trials.

Edited by plazermen
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