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Trials Shoes


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i dont know how you people can say the ribos have good ankle support, its just a bit of friggin neoprene.

Ribos aren't meant to have ankle support - if you want ankle support from a shoe then you need to wear basketball boots or a separate ankle support.

The neoprene sock is in place to conform to BIU ankle protection criteria.



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Release date?

Estimated Retail price?

They are available now but we thought we'd give some a good test and get some rider opinions before committing to buying any. Obviously all the colours are not final!

Retail price is around £50.

The model name is Ribo 'Urban', and they are available from all official Ribo retailers.

Pictures of Ali's test set - apologies for the poor quality, just grabbed these in a rush:







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really comfy, really supporting, really....ugly in those colours, they would look mint in black or grey

I know i should be saying..... oh wow! that awsome... becuase they sound super to ride in..... but...... i dunno...... im not a tart but........

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The idea of a trials shoe for me is to have better feel. Therefore a thinner sole. Its going to be pretty consuming (time and money) to developa good trials shoe that will last.

The fact that the try-all shoe itself rips is something that manufacturers can get around, but then again whats the point if their sponsored riders get a new pair pretty easily and they only sell X pairs a year, not everyone wants a trials shoe.

To me it is a bit of a catch 22 situation, how can you have a great feel and have the shoe lasts a decent amount of time.

I'd be interested in trying the new Ribo's - my try all's have given up the ghost.

Out of interest, how long do people expect a trials shoe to last? Im talking pixie boots here, Try-all, Ribo etc.

At the current price of trials shoes id want one pair to last a year (woah what a skin flint! lol)

Also, i found Yiks to be even weaker than Try alls,material wise. They just ripped after a couple of rides.

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I have just got my viz shoes and there ace really comfy and light. (Y)

How much of the sole on this shoe is there own design?

What good is the shoe if the sole gives...

The shoe itself isnt a rebrand (as far as i am aware?). Only time will tell how good these shoes are.

They may have to re work the price if Tarty gets in the Ribo's mind.

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6months of solid riding seems about right.

True, it depends on how often you ride.

I dont think i ride often enough to say one pair should last everyone a year. What i do know is that I definately value my trials shoes, so i guess i wouldnt have a problem buying 2 pairs at 50/60 quid a pop should the original wear out. But only 1 pair going on the Ribo existing price.

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