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Wright Pads

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Heads up too all that have him on your MSN. He tried to send me www44.emoprofile.net/emo.php?msn=pjalchemist@aol.com it'a a regerstry vrius and is a nasty sod. Bloody ******** for trying to send me it


Be warned!

Edited by Wright Pads
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Its not actually his fault he is sending it to you....One of our friend got it and it sent itself to him and he clicked the link!

If you click the link and get the virus its your fault for 1. not having a decent virus wall thing and 2. clicking it before asking what it was!

Im sure Aaron is sorry

Just delete the virus how ever you can and learn not to accept things over msn


P.S Ash you are brave man for trusting fire fox that much to click it :P

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  Wright Pads said:
Heads up too all that have him on your MSN. He tried to send me www44.emoprofile.net/emo.php?msn=pjalchemist@aol.com it's a regerstry vrius and is a nasty sod. Bloody ******** for trying to send me it


Be warned!

you sent it to me!!! but my virus protection picked it up lol because its good!!!

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  Wright Pads said:
Heads up too all that have him on your MSN. He tried to send me www44.emoprofile.net/emo.php?msn=pjalchemist@aol.com it'a a regerstry vrius and is a nasty sod. Bloody ******** for trying to send me it


Be warned!

Hey f*ck you.

You dont even try and get an answer from me asking my reasons for sending this before making this stupid f*cking topic!

If you have to know its not only me which has it, i was sent it from someone else and then it sent it to everyone on my contact list!!

Get the full picture before you start calling me shit like that..

Sorry to everyone other than this guy i sent it to, it wasnt on purpose...

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Right i have made it clear to you all in big bloody txt not to go and click or copy the link, please for the love of god sart reading a topic and paying some f**king attension to things!!!!

To remove you need to run a virus scan how ever i have just tested this out and it doesn't so i am going to try and fresh instal and see what happens. I'm glad this is all on my old laptop i use for opning virus infected things!

Do not hassle me, don;t ask me anyhting on msn as it's all here

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Yeah i've been sent it a few times off a number of people now.

Nice to warn us, but maybe posting the actual link isn't up there with the greatest of ideas. :ermm:

And oh yeah, it automaticlly sends it's self, so u can't really blame people for sending u it.

Edited by JT!
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I got sent this by boumsong, i clicked it, saved it, and even got annoyed when it didn't seem to open.

Ah well.... blonde day i guess. Ad-aware scanned and deleted some stuff, then bugdoctor, then cccleaner, and now nothing can find any problems... guess i'm alright.

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QUOTE(b @ Feb 12 2007, 10:21 PM)
Hey f*ck you.

You dont even try and get an answer from me asking my reasons for sending this before making this stupid f*cking topic!

If you have to know its not only me which has it, i was sent it from someone else and then it sent it to everyone on my contact list!!

Get the full picture before you start calling me shit like that..

Sorry to everyone other than this guy i sent it to, it wasnt on purpose...

No ****you for not having an anti virus or having it updated, for not replying to any of my msn mesages telling you about it. Everytiime i messaged you you went off line asap. I didn;t have this issues when i ran the dos exe prog at all so you explaine that eh?? This topic is a heads up as MSN/Hotmail will be realsing an e-amil within 72 hours about it!

I got the full picture before i ever got the vrius seeing as it's the biggest spawn of virus going currently, seeing as no body at all has a proper anti virus these days to stop this nor bother to check there system via scans and updates.

At the of the day it can be sorted, properly by a reinstal or a cover with anti virus, spywear and reg cleaner...your call.

The topic was be warrned of the virus, of the problem, maybe you sould check some of your settings.

End of okay. At the end of the day your fault for not having a safe and surcure pc/laptop,pda, mobile what ever you were using to be online with.

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Pete will you STFU, it's nearly a daily occurance that i get one of these types of things sent to me, and i don't make a song and dance about it. Fair enough, your trying to warn others. You've not only posted the link in full (which is just retarded) but you've put the guys email on the topic title, why? Becuase it's not just gonna be him that's got it is it?!

Not everyone knows about this kinda stuff, some people don't know about virus scanners or anything like that like you pretend to do, just go sit in the corner.

Edited by JT!
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