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How Did You Afford Your Bike


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Birthday money: €250

Selling my gamecube+some games: €130

Had a job for 6 days, worked 10 hours a day €200

Sold my old monty: €400

The monty dealer sold me the monty for €250 cheaper so it was €850 :)

Edited by Meteor~
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My good old paper round and christmas money got me my bike, but my main source of income was selling chocolate at school. I was making about £5 a day until some other guy selling sweets got threatened with a 3 day exclusion. I thought that i best quit while i was ahead, as i had just got enough for my bike and I couldn't be bothered with it any more.

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My dad used to buy everything for me :turned: Now I am of age to have a decent job I have to pay for it now. Its fair enough, there was no reason for to help me out in the first place infact i was really lucky but he did. He allways said it was because i wasnt a wanker into drugs etc (chav)

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I had a morning paper round and 2 sunday ones=19 pounds a week.

Pocket money=30 pounds a month,

Christmas tips=200 quid,

Mum + Dad Crimbo money=200 pounds.

I started saving every penny i owned and found :D and finally at christmas i bought my Zona Zip which cost me 730 pounds and i have spent 50 pounds on it already.

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Yeah? That's well helpful!.... <_< - Why reply with that?....

I built mine up over the years, when i was at college i used to save then i started full time work. Along comes all the latest stuff!!... woohoo!

Bout as useful as this topic is. People work, get given birthday and christmas money and thats how they afford their bike, same as all their other stuff. Theres only 3 different answers really.

Job, birthday/christmas money.

Pro rider being sponsored.

Stealing your current bike.

What other answers was he expecting really?

Ever heard of the saying "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer"? I put it into practice :P

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Bout as useful as this topic is. People work, get given birthday and christmas money and thats how they afford their bike, same as all their other stuff. Theres only 3 different answers really.

Job, birthday/christmas money.

Pro rider being sponsored.

Stealing your current bike.

What other answers was he expecting really?

Ever heard of the saying "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer"? I put it into practice :P

I'm with Kris. This is almost as boring and pointless as my blog-post.

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