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Tensile Freewheel

lil wilkins

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It's betwene the tensile and the monty if that's your budget.

The monty will have a few more EP's, you won't be able to get spares for it and I doubt it's built to be maintained.

The tensile on the otherhand has only a few less EP's, you can get spares for, and you can take it apart and work on it.

The main problem is that a number of the tensile's have had problems with the lockrings coming loose like on ACS freewheels, if this has been sorted out i'd say tensile definatley.

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I'd go with what Jake1516 said. I have one and personally I think they are great. I think it would be a safer choice aswell as if you manage to knacker a Tensile freewheel, then you are in a much better position to replace parts and work on it. I find it very strong and sturdy however, and don't think you will ever really break one and be in a position where it needs to be replaced.

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