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74 Kingz Tpa


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Bought one friday, arrived today and put it on to find my brakes leaking lol. Dam seals. But i had a quick go before the oil ran out and i must say , they are relly nice to adjust and seem a lot sturdier. so if u need a new one, i would invest in one of these.

Whats you oppinion on them ?


Edited by db-t20
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I don't have an opinion on them as I won't be using one anytime soon, but that was a pretty poor attempt at a review, and before you say anything, that is the toned down version of what I wanted to say.

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Bought a Echo CNC lever and 74Kings TPA, trouble is when my pets (EDIT: Meant pads not pets!) get low the TPA hit the magura when pulling in and its not locking the brake. So the lever has to be quite tight so it wont come back to bar.

I'm thinking of putting my old magura lever back on...

Dan (Y)

Edited by Ghetto Rider
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ok ok god, sorry for bursting your bubble... some people got attitude problems here serious. It was just a heads up if people was thinking of getting a replacement TPA. geese. dont have to be such a jerk about it

and for the matter i use one of those rubber thingys from a gel pen lol ! they help you grip it and stop it grindin ur knuckles

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TPA review.

WTF? whats the matter with that? saves people f**king about for ages with those stupid red ones that break comstantly! especially seeing as there like 7 pounds just for a little bit of metal! god whats wrong with some people!! mines working nicley and unlike the red ones they actually work!! dunno if there well worth the money though.... if you have a old 04 lever without a TPA might as well wack that on and do the bolt bodge on it for free.....

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does a tpa need a f**king review? lol

dont mean this to sound nasty but oh sweet mother of jospeh! this is yet another pointless topic , think every one would gather that a metal tpa would be better then a plastic one....... and i doubbt it feels stronger, its all in your head

Edited by padarik
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