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dan the trials man

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baaaaad choice, no one will care and you will sound like jonny jones in his ridden promo vid...

I love to ride my bike, there are many different disciplines in the 1 scene, there is; BMX, downhill, cross country, trials, dirt jumping and road racing” Personally I have been through a range of these, BMX, dirt jumping and cross country but at the moment my obsession is trials riding.

When riding my trials bike people are quick to cast you as a trouble maker to disturb the peace, but personally I think completely the opposite way. Trouble makers hang round on street corners drinking alcohol and smoking dope.

Trials riding is all about the balance of the bike on mostly the back wheel. Very few trials bikes have saddles as they are in the way and the bikes are designed purely for the ride. Riding down to a spot over 4 miles is absolute hell and most bikes are only a single speed, (no gears). While on the back wheel the rider uses control of the pedals and mostly hydraulic brake systems to edge the bike forward using a lot of upper and lower body strength. The hopping and edging forward can be used to drop of walls as high as sixteen foot, or going to back wheel up 10 foot.

Trials riders share their passions on a online forum called trials-forum.co.uk here people buy and sell components, chat about available upgrades and help each other out with easy advise. People are also available to display their skills by videos and pictures described. Trials forum is stopped from getting clogged up by using a new members section were newly added members must qualify by demonstration keenness and interest in the sport this stops the forum getting abused and people getting conned e.g. selling faulty parts or taking money and not selling the goods.

For me trials is my release, when riding you don’t have to think about anything, all stress and anxiety runs out of your body and is replaced by focus and adrenaline. It’s a way to enjoy your spare time without getting into “too” much trouble.

Ricky Appleton had this to say, “Before I took up riding people were trying to get me into a whole new culture or violence and abuse, although trials was quite expensive as an original start it can be done a lot cheaper than many people may think you can spend £200 on a cheap trials bike which will get you off to a good start, but friends bikes have cost in excess of £1700! Of course trials riding isn't floor less there are always people trying to spoil the good name of the sport and abuse the system, but the MAJORITY of people who ride are great people and we have a super time while out riding.”

We nearly got beaten up while on a ride in Basildon just because the kids didn’t like what we were doing! We will keep riding because we love it so much! Minimal damage is done to any place we ride and afterwards no-one would have realised we had been there, we won’t knick your purse, vandalise your house or affect you in anyway! Lots of members of the public like what we are doing and often come up, ask what we are doing with the most common questions being

about the sport, why we don’t ride with saddles, what brake systems we run e.g. when on a big ride it London it is not un-common to get a huge about the sport, why we don’t ride with saddles, what brake systems we run e.g. when on a big ride it London it is not un-common to get a huge group of Chinese tourists surrounding us round, (which is nice but can really put you off.)

People have a lot of interest in the sport and many are eager to get in (riders range from 7 to 30 years old). The trials scene is expanding massively and many riders are coming from different disciplines, (such as BMX’ing) I original made the switch from BMX to trials because BMX’ers don’t; ride very often and all of my friends had moved on to wonderfully comfortable things….. Sofas.

But that all seemed a bit boring and looked for something new and growing that I could get straight into, although the disciplines are totally different I soon gelled in. Since joining I made loads of friends and the social scene is a lot bigger, people were very friendly and always looked to help me out.

I don’t think that trials is a nuisance. There are no parks which specialise in the trials scene as it is still only a fairly small scene and doesn’t get much attention. Some components have to be imported from as far out as America and its not the type of parts that you local bike shop will have!

Of course some people push the law and themselves and sometimes mistakes and accidents are made. But it is only the remote few.

So PLEASE when you next see a team out riding try to think about what they are trying to have a good, honest good time and don’t ridicule or try to stop them having their own fun.

Michael Simpson 11-MGB-03 2256


although this may be of help to you...

Edited by ash-kennard
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Naa trials is easy enoufgh i did it and got an A , we are talking about GCSE Speaking and listening here?

But as said above it would be soo much easyer to talk about something you can get them involved with eg smoking just go on about how its bad why its bad what it does to you etc? Would be sooo much easier to do it on that.

Edited by Swize
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although this may be of help to you...

oh my god how old is that! cant belive i would ever have done that!! how embarassing!!! do it on immigration or something i dunno....... but not on trials..... look at my speach ffs!!! lol fell like a brick from a plane.... something i may be passionate about but no-one else understands or gives 2 f**ks to be honest

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oh my god how old is that! cant belive i would ever have done that!! how embarassing!!! do it on immigration or something i dunno....... but not on trials..... look at my speach ffs!!! lol fell like a brick from a plane.... something i may be passionate about but no-one else understands or gives 2 f**ks to be honest

sorry lol, i just saved it for some reason and thought of it when he asked

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