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Trials Getting Bigger


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Hi you will probably think I'm mad or something, but i don't really want trials to get any bigger, why you ask, well i started trials because it was something different, now i have just got to that stage where people come up to you and say "thats really good what your doing" and "what sort of bike is that" where as if you was out on a BMX or something, people would just walk past and think "O it just an other bmx" so if trials got any bigger people would start thinking "O just an other trials rider" plus if everyone started getting trials bike all the "chavs would start getting them, and they would be like " oy mate i got a f**king trials bike d**k head" and they would try to do "trials" and just brake every thing and then trials would get a bad name. i don't know what other people think about this and i would like to hear what you lot have to say. thanks for reading Paul bell.

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You're right, my end this sport isn't that popular and the public loves it (well, more often than not :shifty:)

I rode street for a quite a while and not one person came up to me to ask about the sport, with trials it's every time I ride in the city. That's probably because we only have a few trials riders and a good 30 "street" riders in my area.

I got the impression that people in the UK don't really like trials riders, we constantly got kicked off riding spots in London during a ride. Rarely happens over here, even the police don't mind watching what we do.

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You're right, my end this sport isn't that popular and the public loves it (well, more often than not :shifty:)

I rode street for a quite a while and not one person came up to me to ask about the sport, with trials it's every time I ride in the city. That's probably because we only have a few trials riders and a good 30 "street" riders in my area.

I got the impression that people in the UK don't really like trials riders, we constantly got kicked off riding spots in London during a ride. Rarely happens over here, even the police don't mind watching what we do.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact english security are really conscious about being liable for your injuries. Are the courts a bit more sensible over in poland? I mean... if someone broke into your house to steal your things and tripped over your lounge coffee table, they wouldn't be able to sue the homeowners would they?

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Inur said UK, NOT, England, therefore making the security British NOT English. What is it with Enlgish people and thinking that the rest of the UK are all English aswell? Just incase you havn't already noticed there not.

Ha ha, i didn't really notice, don't really care either. Sorry :$ .

EDIT: Besides... he said london. I just put two and two together and took it he didn't ride scotland wales or N. Ireland.

Edited by Krisboats
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I was like you when i started trials, but you will find out about alot of problems which impopulairity has

Ordering parts (ecspecially in the netherlands where i live) sucks bigtime, always have to wait at least a week, while people who skateboard or bmx can just go downtown and get a new part the next day

There also is a lack of riding spots, trials riders often get blamed for breaking stuff, but we hardly have anywhere else to ride because trials isn't populair enough to build trialsparks for it.

There are alot of other disadvantages on trials being impopulair, but i can't be bothered to list them now.

And don't be afraid that chavs will start trials, trials requires alot of dedication and chavs simply don't have that :)

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To be perfectly honest, i dont want trials to become massive.

its good at the moment as what we do is different and we stand out. Most people will never have seen trials riding before and love it.id hate it to get to the stage where everybody just walks on by, because i love the feeling you get when people actually stop in the street to watch you, or come over and chat to you about the bike and what we do.

youd never see that happening to a bmxer would you?

as for the chavs, im sorry to say they have already started getting trials steeds but i dont care, they are crap and it makes us look amazing. its all good.


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so what you are saying is you dont want this sport to grow so you can get more attention? chavs most probly wont ride anyway , they dont ride bmx or skate from what i have seen :ermm: in my opinion i dont mind whom rides as long is this sport grows, and mr bell , if this sport didnt grow you wouldnt be ridin just like the rest of us,

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To be perfectly honest, i dont want trials to become massive.

its good at the moment as what we do is different and we stand out. Most people will never have seen trials riding before and love it.id hate it to get to the stage where everybody just walks on by, because i love the feeling you get when people actually stop in the street to watch you, or come over and chat to you about the bike and what we do.

youd never see that happening to a bmxer would you?

as for the chavs, im sorry to say they have already started getting trials steeds but i dont care, they are crap and it makes us look amazing. its all good.


Yes this is very true! - well said (Y)

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Ordering parts (ecspecially in the netherlands where i live) sucks bigtime, always have to wait at least a week, while people who skateboard or bmx can just go downtown and get a new part the next day

yeah i know what you mean, but most trials websites are good with postage.

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i know what you mean about not wonting it to get bigger, but i think we should always wont trials to grow as a sport and to challang our selves against new and better riders

exactly!!!! if every one wanted it to stay small you wouldnt get your mates in to trials, youd ride on your own and all that jazz. the more the merryer i think, if its goin to be reconised as the technical and fun sport it is, then there needs to be more riders , thats probly why ther isnt an indoor place to ride , its not as common as bmx and skate, we should want our sport to GROW!!!

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i agree to an extent (Y) it's prety cool only being a few people. but if it were to get bigger then there'd be a bigger demand for trials stuff which means that things would go down in price (Y) (Y) + more companies would start making trials stuff (ok some stuff would be poo) + then there's more competition between companies making everything cheaper again (Y) + trials isn't likely to become huge, ever because as said before it takes alot to get into + get good at, not like football or other sports where it's fairly easy to do. =]

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