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Valentines Day Thread


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Nice work Boon

Few candles dotted around when she walked in from work, roses on the bed (£2 for half a dozen, but laid out really nicely so she thinks they cost a bomb!) Bottle of wine (half price at Tesco) and a bit to eat at lunch

Total outgoings: £9.98

Total ingoings: Chocolate, chocolate, pictureboard, and lots of love ;)

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baaah mine was very strange..to go to 2 different student night clubs in different towns in the same night....one i ended up seeing my EX who dumped ME and she wanted to see me, this is a girl problemo thread haha..and then to a club in burnley untill half 4 this morning..

aaah well at least i pulled a hotty on the dancefloor and got a few more lasses lined up for another trip out :P

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pfft. I'm in a relationship and I did nowt for my lady. In fact I think I was a bit rude to her yesterday. Anyway, I'd rather do something a bit more spotaneous when I actually feel like it than be guided by convention. Does it not seem more romantic in that sense? An act formed from your own desire or one from a nominated day that directs your behaviour? It seems to me that the latter and more contrived behaviour is less from one's own 'heart', so to speak.

At the same time though, furry muff if you did get involved. Despite my current disinterest I have, in the past, made some effort :)

Edited by rowly
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to be fair normally I just go for some sort of horrendously expensive yet ultimately hollow gesture. this year was a little different cos I made a right balls up of the anniversary

(she said "I don't really care about the anniversary so don't go out and buy me anything expensive" - which i took to mean that i didn't have to go out and buy her anything expensive - which was a large mistake)

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valentines day was shit

i sat in bed and ate chocolate cake, which i made.

and only got one valentine from my mum..

and now my friend is telling me how much her boyfriend did for her!





Aww quizmaster jenn :( You should of sed, i would of come down oxford to see you :)

Edited by JoeMaher
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*Awaits 50 horny teen TF users to offer their assistance* :P

Can't say I did anything special yesterday, forgot about it until a shop assistant asked if I was doing anything special for it! Agree with mr Rowly, spontanaeity (how'd you spell that?) is so much better than being prompted to do this sort of stuff :)

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bought my girlfriend a new bag, and a new belt.......

the hoover works perfect now. :).

but she wasnt to pleased with them 2 purchases. so i went out shopping a bit later. ended up buying a pair of slippers, and a vibrator. havent seen her since. ah well. If she dont like the slippers. she can go f*ck herself.

*think about it. BTW, this is a joke, for anyone thick enough to think id a) have a GF, and B) spend money on them.

Edited by trials_punk182
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