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Rip Guys.

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Out bowling last night with a few mates, and my mate dan gets a call on his phone.

Someone called dan telling him, 2 of his mates arnt replying to there phones...and on the news there had been reports of a crash on a road nearby. Everyone was thinking the worst.

Dan then left us to go and see if he could find his mates...


I didnt know them personally , but they were the best mates, of my mate dan, and i cant even begin to imagine what him and the lads familys are going through :(

Rip Guys.

the 2 lads - http://bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=20900069 , http://bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=2803052934

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Man thats bad...

they seem like total legends. Must be really bad to lose some close friends like that.

ive lost loads of family members over the past year or two so i know how it feels.

RIP guys.

my thoughts are with their family and friends. Man, all kinds of death wheather i know them or not really seem to s**t me up nowadays. Really sad things :(

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That sucks :(

It always seems to happen to the nice people, theiving f**kers and suchlike seem to get off unscathed. No justice in this world, I swear.

You just don't hear the bad side of them when they die, that's all. A few years back there was a guy in Lancaster who was a total scally - Was in court for throwing bricks at fire engines etc, just a general dick. No license because he got it taken off him for doing 100 in a 30 zone. And then he killed himself driving unlicensed, uninsured at stupid speeds. He was in the newspapers as a nice young lad 'addicted to speed' who was struck down in his prime.

I'm not saying these guys are like that at all, before anyone says. RIP

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"the most fun and excitment i get atm is drivin the green beast as fast and furiously as i can"


Yer....i dont wnna go into, how he was driving...but if u had seen the fog...i very much doubt he was driving like a plum.

Anyways..he was coming out of a junction, and a car hit him side on...:( was foggy as hell

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So sorry.

But I have to say, I feel uplifted that whenever someone even many of us have never met passess on, the TF community mourns their loss as an individual and whole.

Thoughts and condolensces to all involved.


right then im beau if any of you know me you know im thick as shit

what you just said is that good or bad i didnt get it:(

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right then im beau if any of you know me you know im thick as shit

what you just said is that good or bad i didnt get it:(

Its a good thing, he's saying that us guys showing respect and mourning the loss of anyone that didn't deserve to die, it makes him feel uplifted/good.

I think :$

R.I.P to those guys and deepest sympathy to their families and friends. I just can't imagine.

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