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Side Hop Up/over Objects.


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So, i`ve been riding trials for a couple of years now, i can master pretty much stuff, but i`ve never really had a proper front brake until now. (Hope trials)

So i`m wicked bad in sidehops up things and over things, i cant really seem to shift my weight properly, i always end up too much on the backwheel.

I really cant see why it`s so hard to learn when i can master pretty much anything else.

Anyone got tips for me? Start position? Shifting weight and so on?

I did use search, i seem to remember another topic just like this not so long ago, but i cant find it.


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can't see how a bad front brake prevents you from sidehopping propperly

i don't use the front brake at all when sidehopping, and i land 2 wheels at the same time

But about the sidehopping technique, try sidehopping to your front (on a not to heigh object),

so that you can get the feel of tucking the rear wheel in a sidehop.

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Differant people have differant techniques.

the likes of CLS will lift the entire bike up with the back wheel level with the front,they then push the bike to their side and because it's going so high that turn's into a tuck.

Other's will swing the front wheel onto the object first ofall, and then bring the back wheel up,sometimes using the leverage attained from using the front brake as you mentioned. I side hop to my front wheel,and have my brake on when im doing it. I feel I need to work on releasing the front brake when the rear wheel has gained enough height and tucking the bike more to my side to get any higher than I am at the moment.

I'd say going to front wheel is certainley easier, and somewhat more controlled, but when it comes to sidehopping up onto rocks sometimes there is a lack of confidence to throw the front wheel on an uneven surface while the back wheel is hanging in mid air,which is when the sidehopping to two wheels technique would come in handy.

First thing you need to do is decide which side you prefer to sidehop to, then you need to get over the mental barrier of lifting the bike up nice and high ad to the side.

I had serious problem's starting off, until one day I was going to get shown up by one of the younger rider's and had to go for it to maintain what little pride I had left.

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Thanks for your help, i can get the bike up fairly high by just jumping straight up, but then i have both brakes locked, i think my problem is that i have a hard time popping the pedals and shifting my weight forward at the same times.

You should pop the pedals slightly, right? Or should the brakes be locked?

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