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Boot Camp On Mac.

Nuke Bowel

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Right, put boot camp on my intel based mac a while back now, got windows on it okayy.

Had a few problems with the hardware, sorted out my sound yesterday.

But I can't find the Airport hardware I need...

If someone has had the same trouble and found the hardware, could you please guide me.

It's not a serious problem, because 99% of the time I use osx for obvious reasons, But i'm going to be looking to sell this soon for another, so I would like it all set up ready for the sale :)

Cheers in advance.


Edited by ilukeee
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Isnt there a newer version of bootcamp now that fixes a lot of the driver issues?

Cheers man, didnt realise there was a new one available.

Got it downloading now (Y)

It's not just me having problems then i take it....

if not it's due out pretty soon - which means more work for me :(

aha, how come dude?

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Isnt the whole idea of bootcamp that ypu can run windows only programs on a mac? So that companys dont have to constantly recode to make the programs compatible?

Im guessing it has something to do with the bas cade of the os or hardware but im not sure (Y)


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Isnt the whole idea of bootcamp that ypu can run windows only programs on a mac? So that companys dont have to constantly recode to make the programs compatible?

No. That's the point of Macs moving to Intel processors. Boot Camp is just what you think - so you can run Windows on a Mac, but Macs will always have OS X.

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