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Riding Kicks

Mod Man Leo

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I need some help on what shoes to go buy for riding, at the moment ive got a pair of Nike 6.0 and i love them ,

i use them for freeride but before i go buy a nother pair anyone know of any other good shoes that dont cost a arm and a leg

And dont look like ive got toasters on my feet....................




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I loved my Deklines, they were stupidly comfy and secure on my feet. Not amazing grip, but not half bad, I've tried worse skate shoes. Currently using some 2006 Vans New Schools. There amazingly grippy, but there's a bit much padding around the tough area for my liking really, and the heal doesn't hook onto your ankle to hold the shoe on quite as well. I and now definitely a convert to the shaped innersoles appearing on newer skate shoes.

Edit: oh yeah, both pairs of shoes have cost me £40, the deklines lasted a year before some wholes apeared in the bottom and they started ripping, and the vans are imaculate, but only a few weeks old.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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