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Guide: Tensile Repairs ...


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HI guys

tonite i was out riding on my stock and my tensile started making a horrid noise i ignored it as i was going down a hill of a a sudden the freewheel seized up and my chain started pieling up around my freewheel. It seemd that one of the paws was stoping it from turning but i fixed it so this is how you do it .

* First remover the crank from the bb.

* Clamp the crank arm in a vice tight so it cant move and hammer the lockring off with a dot punch and hammer

* Carefuly remove the top bearing cage and place it on one side .

* remove both brass spacers to expose the pawls and springs.

* remove the sprocket part and inspect it for any wear marks etc, then clean it will a dry rag to remove all oil.

* press every paw and see if it will move back into the main body with ease, if one does not then you will have to bend the spring inwards.

* to bend the spring inwards put a spoke behind the spring and press the front with a screwdriver and it will cause the tip to bend slightly in fixing the problem

* to re-asemblem put the sprocket part back on ( a tip is to use a small screwdriver to press the paws in ) followed by the 2 brass washers.

* then put the bearing race in with the race face up then screw the lockring back on and tighten.

* for improved preformance clean each individual part and re asemble dry then squirt a lube substance throught the holes near the lockring when re assembled .

that should fix it .... if in doubt ask

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