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Broken Hope Pro 2s

Matt Burrows

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Hello all

Last Sunday I was riding at Porthcawl just rolling over some small rocks, when a loud bang was heard and my drivetrain slipped. The cause was my Pro 2 had literally split in two. Looks like it had cracked on the driveside flange and propagated until the hub shell failed, splitting all the way to the NDS flange. The shell just couldn't handle the outward pressure exerted by the ratchet ring when under high load. Is this a known flaw? Has this happened to many other riders? I'm wondering if Hope have fixed this as all it would take is a reinforced hub shell. I shall be ringing them tomorrow and hopefully they will replace it, just wanted to guage other riders opinions first.

Thanks guys

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I think its happened to a couple others, I remember porter breaking one, I think the other one was damons. My guess would be only the harsher-go-bigger riders are doing it but its made me think of a year or two down the line if alot more hubs are going to do this?

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  Robwalker said:
That kid on the london ride, dont know his name, Very Tall, ginger hair, White adamant. He's been through two, exactly the same way as you, before going to ffw. But jeeeses the size of his leg muscles. No wonder.

That doesn't suprise me at all, that guy is a nutter! lol...very cool to ride with though.

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  Robwalker said:
That kid on the london ride, dont know his name, Very Tall, ginger hair, White adamant. He's been through two, exactly the same way as you, before going to ffw. But jeeeses the size of his leg muscles. No wonder.

he was pretty beasty lol, i feel sorry for the bike :rolleyes:

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lol hope 2 = shit

like my mates where saying. They give riders like martin ashton these hubs to test no ofence to him he is a ace rider etc but does he relaly give these hubs any test. i mean give them to people like erm tunni etc, or even me. If any of you know me you know ill get through anything. They need to be relaly tested .

But i know loads hae been sent back. My mate smashed hes in a matter of a month.

Edited by B.E.A.U
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  J-KAY said:
Was he the bloke that doesnt really know english

ohwell, if it was, i took a picture of his hub - this was his hub back in september at a london ride



That was some nasty shit, thought he was gonna lose his balls on his stem :S

Is a 10% strength increase in that area enough? Considering the number broken with (what seems) relitive ease?

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  N.Wood said:
That was some nasty shit, thought he was gonna lose his balls on his stem :S

Is a 10% strength increase in that area enough? Considering the number broken with (what seems) relitive ease?

i thought the same......... according to solida works though there is a lot less stress here.

im unsure on how to post pictures, but i have some pictures of the new type shell, it has more of a bulge on the area they were breaking, any that do manage to break on the older shells i would imagine will be replaced with the new type shells

that number of broken hubs is not really a lot either to consider that they have made a few thousand of these hubs and only around 8 to 10 actaully cracking (reported back to hope that is) there may be more.


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i know of a few doing this but me and my mate have had one for like 8-9 months trouble free, i quess its just luck which ones last, but hope are good they will give you areplacement and also they have corrected the problem now as well so all is good

also i love these hubs would not use anything else. just remember people only post when something has gone wrong, i bet there is a much higher percentage of riders who loev there pro 2's (Y)

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  rwiley said:
also i love these hubs would not use anything else. just remember people only post when something has gone wrong, i bet there is a much higher percentage of riders who love their pro 2's (Y)

my my, never a truer word spoken!!! (well maybe in the world but not on this topic thats for sure)

was speaking to wayne at shipley last weekend about this matter and myself, wayne and ash agreed that we have had no problems with the hub on this scale, i destroyed a bearing (the little one the freehub runs on (ali c has done this too so i believe)) doing (large) tyre taps to fakie, but shell splitting is slightly worse than that. and surely wayne goes big???? im just a heavy lump of a rider who isnt that smooth and lands stuff terribly all the time ive had the same pro2 shell for 18 months. also, ali c, he fair sends his bike over gaps etc so i personally woudlnt say its the way the riders "go big"

but name an occassion where hope havent simply replaced the hub in question FOC, if you have an issue ring hope or email them and explain the problem to them, they are more than happy to help, if you do ring ask to speak to someone who can give you more info/specific detail/help on the pro 2t hub.

the redisgn is due to the feedback they are gettin so keep it coming dont just rant on a forum, also dont just reserve feedback for negative side of things, let them know if you like the hub, and why u like it, drop them an email

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  planet-x-boy said:
Dont know anyone to break a pro 2 axel but i did :P Apart from that though i have had no bother at all.


^^i did :- snapped in 2 :ermm:

in answer to peoples problem with the hub shells.....i think theve got a new batch out with a thicker shell now :)(Y)

Edited by Damon W
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  Damon W said:
^^i did :- snapped in 2 :ermm:

in answer to peoples problem with the hub shells.....i think theve got a new batch out with a thicker shell now :)(Y)

i hope so :| I've just ordered mine from tart... you reckon mine will be the newer redesigned model?

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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  trialnoir said:
i thought the same......... according to solida works though there is a lot less stress here.

im unsure on how to post pictures, but i have some pictures of the new type shell, it has more of a bulge on the area they were breaking, any that do manage to break on the older shells i would imagine will be replaced with the new type shells

that number of broken hubs is not really a lot either to consider that they have made a few thousand of these hubs and only around 8 to 10 actaully cracking (reported back to hope that is) there may be more.



Theres the picture that you sent me ash.

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theres nothing wrong with the internals in the current hubs, the splittage of the shells is most likley due to spoke stress. The broken hubs I have seen have still had perfectly functioning internals.

btw, my hope is still clicking away without a problem, though I may be getting rid of one to get somthing lighter for comps.

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