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Mony Ti Chain

Blair d

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Is a monty ti chain good? because i was thinking about getting one but i thought i`d best see if they were good. But i don`t think that they would put a sh*ty chain on a ti. Just want to check if it is a good chain. So please leave a comment because i a going to order a chain tomorrow!

Cheers Blair

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Tarty don`t have any kmc`s and i need 1 now really! Can`t go for anything big because my chain has snapped 3 times and that wasnt evan doing a gap was just setting u4 a sidehop! :angry:

Just need to now if they are decent so i know if it`s worth buying. cheers blair

Just need to know if its a good chain or a piece of crap? cheers blair

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Problem is, that you'd consider a Ti chain to take alot of pressure, which it may do so but 9 times out of 10 the split link cant. And sometimes with fancy chains (shimano ti' one for example) you cant actually run them without the split link, defeating the point of having a chain that can take some stupid pressure of 50,000newtons or whatever. Personally i'd stick with KHE / KMC and run them without split links, or even better in my eyes, get a Shadow Conspiracy "half link" jobby :) Brilliant chain, being a "half link" chain you can gain nice tension without going mad with your snail cams / chain tugs and have you rear brake setup nice a square too (seems to be a common problem these days?!)

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On the subject of chains, has anybody used the viz superlight chain?..

I have used one. Snapped as f*** (N) Mabye I just was unlucky with mine, but I wont use one again. Found a cheap chain in the local sport store that is better :P Will never use anything else.

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Problem is, that you'd consider a Ti chain to take alot of pressure, which it may do so but 9 times out of 10 the split link cant. And sometimes with fancy chains (shimano ti' one for example) you cant actually run them without the split link, defeating the point of having a chain that can take some stupid pressure of 50,000newtons or whatever. Personally i'd stick with KHE / KMC and run them without split links, or even better in my eyes, get a Shadow Conspiracy "half link" jobby :) Brilliant chain, being a "half link" chain you can gain nice tension without going mad with your snail cams / chain tugs and have you rear brake setup nice a square too (seems to be a common problem these days?!)

When will people realise that when monty say Ti, they don't mean every component is made out of Titanium, only that the part comes on a bike which has some bit's made of titanium, but not many......

But yeh, get a KMC.

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KMC cool or a KHE collapse.

Wouldn't touch anything else.

If tarty are out of stock, you can get them at hundreds of online shops.

Make sure you gte the 1/8" version though.


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Yeah, get a KHE. Mine is soon going to enter it's 21st month of use, hasn't snapped once. I'm actually going to dip it in champagne for our 2nd anniversary.

The Ti is essentially a Connex or a high end SRAM chain, neither of the two are strong.

Because your sane... I would drink all the champagne then eat the chain..

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