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Big Brother Auditions!


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Sat 3rd Feb and Sun 4th Feb 2007, New Century House, Manchester

Glasgow SECC Sat 06th & Sun 07th Jan

Cardiff City Hall Weds 10th & Thurs 11th Jan

Newcastle St James' Park Sun 21st & Mon 22nd Jan

Birmingham Think Tank @ Millennium Point Sat 27th & Sun 28th Jan

Dublin Royal Dublin Society Weds 31st Jan

London Excel Sat 10th & Sun 11th Feb

There you go, must be 18 or over and all that crap. No specific rules, no pre-registering. Just turn up on the day, que for 6 hours (no bullshit) and then get asked a few questions. I think, according to mates, they're things with require personal opinion, e.g. What do you think of religion or something like that. Basically, if you don't answer sufficently, then you have to feck off, lol.

Personally, I'm just going for the birmingham piss up...anyone been drinking around brummy? Whats it like?

Edit: That was my 1000th post...shit the bed.

Edited by anzo
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Someone I used to live with went to one of the auditions a few years ago. Apparently for the first stage they sit you in a group of 6-8 random people with one of the Big Brother team observing. They throw a few questions in and see how you get on in the group. If they like you then they sit you in a mock up diary room with a camera pointing at you and you get 60 seconds (I think?) to convince them why they should pick you. Not sure after that as she didnt get any further- being a lesbian badger just didnt cut it. Just be prepared to tolerate a LOT of highly irritating, over the top, loud, attention seeking twats that will be standing in the same cue as you for 6 hours :)

May be completely different this year though ;)

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Just be prepared to tolerate a LOT of highly irritating, over the top, loud, attention seeking twats that will be standing in the same cue as you for 6 hours :)

That'll be fun. Going on the Friday afternoon, pubs all night...back to Travel Lodge...then auditions in the morning when I'm still half pissed and hungover like a Nottinghamshire single mother. Going more for the experience of it all then to get in...getting in would just be a 'bonus'.

After all the recent events about big brother I hope there are some sort of protests/rioting.

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but do you really think they will shoot another series, after what has happened with the celebs?

Of course! The celeb BB this year has recieved something like 9 million viewers every night because of the trouble in the house. Thats 3 times what they normally get.

The editors don't care about anything except ratings <_< .

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Made it to the second round of the auditions so basically waiting to hear from them...although seems very unlikely I'll get in. About the best weekend ever in Birmingham, best place for a piss up ever, and everyone is well friendly! Love that place, and my god does it look good for riding on!

We qued up for 2 and a half hours, and obviously made friends with the folks in the que with us which was good, plenty to talk about with someone you've never met, and probably never will meet again for the rest of your life.

Went out on the piss on the friday, saturday and sunday and friended a few gordies who we're going to Newcastle with next month, lol. But I highly recommend Birmingham for a piss up!!!! Stop in the Travel Lodge 'Central Birmingham'. £65 a night for a twin bed (we destoryed the place), smack bang in the middle of the pubs, and theres an irish pub over the road (also amazing). You won't regret it!!!

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