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Good Thread, My hairs getting longer now, Longer then its been before, I don't want to go really short, So show me what you got. Im thinkin g about keeping top and sides longer and having short spikey back.......Inspiration i can get from anyone?

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Number 4 all over.

Not a skin head but takes enough hair away so I havn't got to worry about 'doing' my hair .

Usually get my mum to do it with the shaver's at home. I reckon when I move to Uni i'll be buying myself a really good set, just saves SOOO much time, I can do it whenever I want, for free, and don't have to wait in the barbers while a bunch of other people get theirs done first.

Sometimes you can be sitting for an hour or longer before you get seen at where I used to go.

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My hair last night, i thought looked really, really gay, but some girl was 'grinding' me, so it couldn't of been to bad i suppose.

Gelled down and across for first 1/3 of it, then rest 2/3 were spiked up.

To scared to post pictures. :lol:

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My hair last night, i thought looked really, really gay, but some girl was 'grinding' me, so it couldn't of been to bad i suppose.

Gelled down and across for first 1/3 of it, then rest 2/3 were spiked up.

To scared to post pictures. :lol:

That is gay(at least you knew). When I see guys with hair like that I immediately think 'faggot' followed by 'I wonder is that legitimate by him being a fag hairdresser', then quickly back to 'faggot'

It's just one of those pretty boy hairstyles I would NEVER allow myself to 'wear' (?)

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just leave it as is hahar i'm lazy =] hats ***! i only put effort in if i'm meeting someone (then i just straighten it). meh i've never been bothered though :P

more recent picture of me:


Edited by ogre
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i never realised how gay my hair was until i started taking a picture of myself everyday.

but i don't care about it much anymore.

the plan was to grow it too a decent length that when cut would look half decent (something like rosicky's)....but it's taking longer than i thought so i might just shave it off again (2 all over), like i usually get my sister to do. Thing is i want long hair, but in the summer i know it'll suck.

picture of me from yesterday if you care.

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meh, mine changes rapidly, round xmas time, and a bit earlier i was sporting....


which grew into this


then xmas day, i shaved it all down to grade 2, which in 2.5 weeks ended up like this


now is just long enough to style, but when i say style, its literally whack a pea sized amount of surf hair in there.and run me fingers through it, so it just looks like i made the effort.

note: i never do pretty boy haircuts, i grow it, then shave it off, occasionally trimming bits off in my mirror using scissors. proper ghetto, aint payed for a hair cut since june 2005, i just grow it, shave it,grow it, shave it.

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