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Permanent Concrete Skatepark In Swansea


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Currently there is a group set up in Swansea called 'Street Sports Swansea' and we are aiming to get a permanent concrete skate park built in Swansea.

Hopefully if we get enough support we should get enough funding to not only buy the area of land and create a concrete skate park but a bmx track and an area for trials.

Details on www.streetsportsswansea.co.uk.

We are aiming for as much funding as possible so the more people who write in the better - letter template at(http://www.streetsportsswansea.co.uk/downloads.html).

E-mail me the letters of support at Jamie_Neal@hotmail.com and include some contact details.

Apologies for there not being an online petition, we're not that high tech.

Also, we held a one day event in Singleton Park in Swansea last September where we had a skate park set up, some dirt jumps and a trials demo. As of yet, we're not sure when the one this year will be but hopefully it'll be bigger.



Edited by Jamie_Neal
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Glad to hear there is some support.

As for the riding, round Swansea - Castle Square, down the marina on the sea front not to mention the uni when the security gaurds aren't paying attention. Mumbles is good for street and natural (well, it's harder than Porthcawl) and there's loads of natural out on the Gower. E-mail me and send me your phone number and I'll let you know when we're out. There's about 6 of us who ride at the weekends and a couple who ride in the nights during the week.



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