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Most Painful Rail Gap

Mike W

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not horrific as the thing im bast at in trials is bailing and saving my bike :P

Misjudged the gap, came up short,wheel slipped to bash, went to jump over the bars and caught the tounge of my shoe on the lever so i went down 3ft face first with ma bike folling shortly after, managed to get my hands out though so it wasjust a kind of :- brush my gloves off and gave it another bash. Just go for it unless it's like a PB gap for you between the rails then you should be sound, you don't have a huge amount of speed so bails are easy...(er) lol

Joel ;)

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I dunno if you can class it as a rail but it seems close enough.

WARNING: Do not let this put you off, He got back up half hour later and nailed it.


Ooh nice! lol that wasn't too bad, he got up and walked off straight away so he wasn't in agony and that was from a drop, which your rail gap won't be (Y)

Joel ;)

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I was never keen on rails but if your confident you will nail them

Worst rail accident i had was in Keighley, 2 rails about 4-5 foot apart, got onto first one but wasn't on it enough, kicked and my back wheel went up into air and front wheel down into ground..didnt let go of bars and went into 2nd rail face first, rail make contact on chin just under lower lip, bleeding hurt but that was kicking off a rail.

Going to a rail from a wall i never had a major problem


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I dunno if you can class it as a rail but it seems close enough.

WARNING: Do not let this put you off, He got back up half hour later and nailed it.


Shouldn't really laugh but them noises he made made me Lmao!

Looked painfull, happend to my mate few months ago on a bench but not that bad he had a mega scratched back though ..

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I dunno if you can class it as a rail but it seems close enough.

WARNING: Do not let this put you off, He got back up half hour later and nailed it.


Think my fall off at lindsays rails was worse lol

I'll try find the clip and upload it or somthin'

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