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Aching Finger


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hey, i've been riding a proper trials bike for about a month and a half now and veryting is progressing well. However, i run front and rear maggie's and since i have been riding it seems my index fingers have developed callus's and every so often a blister, at just the point where my finger pulls on the lever. Also, on my left index finger it seems i have sprained it or something but its very painful to pull on my rear brake and even to bend it.

I was wondering what would cause this to happen? Or whether a replacement lever (e.g) Gu etc. would stop this from happening.

all opinions welcome (Y)

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hi mate, i also get the acjing pain in my finger but not my index, if you ride through it it usually fades away, and definately ride through the blisters as they will eventually turn to callauses it sucks but its worth he pain!!!


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My braking fingers used to ache a lot!

If you ride often then your fingers will start to get used to the strain andit'll stop hurting!!

More recently for me my little fingers have started to hurt from gripping the bar :S well anoying because they're only small :(

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Yea i think you will get acheing fingers ect to start with but after a while you soon get used to it and just RIDE it out :P

I currently have a really bad pain in one of my fingers, like its fractured or iv'e pulled a ligament, it proper hurts and iv'e had it for atleast 2 months but i just keep riding and hope it will heel itself :mellow:

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I get this too! A decent pair of gloves usually does the trick, but my favorite way is to tape a thickish layer of tissue to the lever as its more comfortable. I also put a plaster on each of my fingers for extra comfort and it works really well.

Hope this helps.


By the way, I'm not sure if a new lever would help you. Possibly one that has a smoother edge or a bigger leverage.

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