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Making My Comp Run Faster...?


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My computer has been running quite slow these past couple of days..

Just wondering if there are any programs or whatever that will give it a clean up? Get rid of some files..or something..

Ive deleted some files..also did a disk clean up and defragment..Not really seeing any difference..

So any programs or whatever that will make it run a bit faster...??



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those cleaner program things probably work ok but most likely you've got a load of unnecessaries running in the background which they won't sort out.

uninstall anything that constantly checks stuff on your machine - google desktop search is a prime example, if media player or itunes are set to check folders for new music then that'll slow stuff down.

make sure there's always lot of space on your system drive (C: probably) like at least 10 gb - if you can be arsed you could defragment it but I can never be bothered.

babys crying, i'd write more otherwise

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i think going start>run and typing 'msconfig'. then there should be a tab for autostart, where you can select whatever to autostart, or not to autostart.

not 100% sure because i am not on a windows pc at the moment, but i think it works that way.

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i think going start>run and typing 'msconfig'. then there should be a tab for autostart, where you can select whatever to autostart, or not to autostart.

not 100% sure because i am not on a windows pc at the moment, but i think it works that way.

Close, but no cigar

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Get linux, my computer's running so damn fast now that I don't have anything to run on it !

Seriously, I find it's much faster, when you aren't doing anything, the computer really isn't doing anything, not running 20000 update programs and like 5 firewalls and 2 programs to check for things running and constantly checking your memory for malware.

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Anyone know how to choose what programs start up when you start the computer?

Because currently I've got loads of bollocks in the bottom right corner I don't want but can't figure out how to stop them from automatically starting up.

Start --> Run --> msconfig --> startup

also in the same program go to services, click hide all microsoft services then deselect the ones your dont need

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