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New Echo Brakes


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disapointed that the lockring for the freewheel isn't in 6 colours =[

edit: i might but the lever body IF and when i can buy it without the cnced lever blade (already got one) and it goes down in price considerably (sub £50).

Edited by ogre
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I rekon he'll go down in price after he relises that his prices are way to high, and that not many people will be buying them, but for £130 you can get a set of 05 Maguras with all the mounts, bolts etc. I'd rather get a SET of Magura's than pay £130 for a Echo brake.

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nice to see that deng thinks his bottom bracket will be as good (at least as pricy) as the top SKF model.. deng probably buys shite generic chinese bearings, while SKF actually make good ones.

if he sold everything at half the price of what he does now, he would get away with products of questionable quality. but now that he prices his products as high as premium ones, i do hope he has made them properly, from proper materials to proper tolerances and after proper testing and dimensioning.

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lol thats not the currency in china lol

in HK its just dollars

but i know for a fact its much cheaper - i think Zoo python frame is about £80, thats the only price i know. But it gives you an idea of how much cheaper it is.


Im going HK in the summer. Are you? - We can go raid that shop ^_^

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Cross post from NMC:

It is true that they are a bit pricy, but you can't compare it to a magura without adding these upgrades to the magura:
  • 1 Maggie - £65
  • 1 Echo Lever - £25
  • 1 Set Of Echo Brake Mounts - £25
  • 1 Set Of Echo Pads - £18
This all comes to a grand total of £133.

Thats exactly how we thought about it too. The Echo brakes also have kevlar re-inforced hose (much tougher than plastic - more like the black Hope hose seen on their older brakes).

It does sound pricey, but people regularly spend a very similar amount on a front disc brake without complaining... this is the first rim brake to apply similar manufacturing process and materials to those used in disc brakes. The HS33 brakes use much poorer material and a manufacturing process prone to weaknes.

The price may come down in time, who knows, but I would at least give the brakes a chance before writing them off as 'too expensive'. Even if they last as long as a Magura, but are more reliable (no more cracked levers/stripped threads to end your ride and waste a train fare!) then I think they'll be well worth it.

Look forward to having a good look at one and getting some detailed pics for everyone to have a look at (Y)


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I would be very interested to see the price that Tartybikes gets these for :shifty:

Seeing Echo is ridiculously cheap in china, i can't see these brakes being any different...

Same goes for the freewheel..

after overheads and all that shizwack, its quite likely they don't make as much as you think, also, just cos its cheap in china, doesn't mean its cheap for the suppliers over here...

unless i'm totally wrong, adam and dave are actually rolling around in piles of money all day and being smothered by beautiful women in bikinis...lucky bastards

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unless i'm totally wrong, adam and dave are actually rolling around in piles of money all day and being smothered by beautiful women in bikinis...lucky bastards

Haha, if only :rolleyes:

Like Paul says, there are lots of 'hidden' charges. Bringing in a couple of bits for you and your mate usually slips the net, but its suprising what sort of taxes are stuck on bike parts. Then of course there's warranties to cater for, and we need to work in a sufficient margin to allow the parts to be offered to other retailers at trade price - in fact its an identical situation to other companies who import, distribute and retail components, trials or otherwise.



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Well, I feel that when you look at the price compared the the maggy and all the extra parts you'd buy, I'd prefer the Echo as its Trials Specific... therefore surely it'll be ideal for this field of riding rather than the Maguras which are for XC (?) I may well buy one if I have sufficient funds when they are released and possibly some rider reviews.

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I have had a good experience with all my HoD parts so far, previous and current ones. I can see why it is so much the CNC cannot be cheap, you get a lever blade and mounts and pads which are GOOD as standard.

However as people have said it does seem abit pricey and it doesnt have braided hosing for that amount of money, should be an option as standard I think.

I may purchase one as we head into sping for the hell of it to have one :P

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Cross post from NMC:

Thats exactly how we thought about it too. The Echo brakes also have kevlar re-inforced hose (much tougher than plastic - more like the black Hope hose seen on their older brakes).

It does sound pricey, but people regularly spend a very similar amount on a front disc brake without complaining... this is the first rim brake to apply similar manufacturing process and materials to those used in disc brakes. The HS33 brakes use much poorer material and a manufacturing process prone to weaknes.

The price may come down in time, who knows, but I would at least give the brakes a chance before writing them off as 'too expensive'. Even if they last as long as a Magura, but are more reliable (no more cracked levers/stripped threads to end your ride and waste a train fare!) then I think they'll be well worth it.

Look forward to having a good look at one and getting some detailed pics for everyone to have a look at (Y)


So is it not a definitive price? Because if you were going to go with that logic then current magura's would be:

£29 for the lever

£20 for the mounts

£30 for a pair of slave cylinders

£15 on 2 sets of pads, so really £7-8 a pair

Total of £87.50 with prices of cables, barbs, cylinder washers... etc to be included. where as the entire brake is available for around £60. dunno, maybe deng'll be nice and reduce the price when bought complete.

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So they're £150 with all the echo shizwack, (pads, mounts, lever).

So will we be able to buy them for £82 and use our existing pads, mounts, and '05 lever blades if we have them? I'm sure people (including myself) don't want to be paying an extra ~£70 for stuff I don't plan on using. :)

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If you think about it, with bikes+parts, everyone has make money somewhere down the line.

This being; the ideas people, designers, manufacturers, shipping costs, retail.. etc.

Although with Deng, it's copy - change - manufacture - shipping. :turned:

But still, I reckon the price will drop..slightly.

I know it's got all this fancy shiz on it, but still, £150 seems a tad much?

£130 maybe? :ermm:

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I'd prefer the Echo as its Trials Specific... therefore surely it'll be ideal for this field of riding rather than the Maguras which are for XC

From nothing more than looking at photographs, it looks like the hydraulics are identical with both Echo and Magura brakes (bore & stroke of pistons) so in that respect the Echo brake is no better or worse than the Magura one. They are functionally identical. I will concede though that the Echo stuff does look much higher quality, but that does not make it any more trials specific than the Magura brakes.

Just paying more for something because it's from a trials company is just stupid. It's like the VP pedals that people were paying through the nose for until Planet-X and Onza started banging them out for reasonable money. They didn't work any better because they came from Megamo or Monty... It's the same with these brakes, you could fit them on any XC bike - with appropriate pads - and the rider would barely notice a difference.

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the monty (and megamo?) pedals have 7005 alloy cages rather than the softer 6065 on the cheaper ones, they also have better bearings.

I still love my vees, got mine feelin the best its ever been, so I wont be using the echo brakes, but I do think they are nice looking, I was too scared to run the newer style maggie levers (even when I got given them) as I think they are too weak, hopfully these echo ones will be stronger.

I am not the biggest fan of the lever design magura and echo have chosen, I feel the pivot is too high and by the time the tip of the blade is in a usable position, its sloping down and my finger wants to slide off.

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