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New Echo Brakes


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Typically, I only noticed that after I had posted. Still, it's too much the same, as much as I don't want one I'd love to try one for a while and compare it to my ENO, but i won't be putting any more deng on my bike, forks are enough for now.....

I wouldn't replace my eno with a echo freewheel for the same reason you wouldn't replace your king headset with an echo headset. however, if you had an ACS and wanted a new one you'd be an idiot to buy the eno or king because the echo alternative would be perfectly adequate for the job (assuming the deng freewheel is as good as it should be) and would cost significantly less money (presumably) because the eno/king are massively overengineered.

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On the topic of freewheels, would an ACS 14t be ok for trials?


you ran it on te front with a 9 tooth fixed sprocket on the back


a 21tooth fixed sprocket on the front and the 14tooth on the back

the problem is you'd have to buy a shoddy freewheel. you should really sell a kidney, get a green eno and run 18-12 like everyone else.

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gotta say they look quite good, just gotta change the whole lever clamp design and i'd be even more tempted to get one. gotta say im still pretty damn tempted. cant imagein them being too far away from the magura price as that will be their onyl competitor they would be daft to have the brake much more exspensive than the proven maggy.

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Has anyone considered that deng could have spoken to magura and got permission to use the design?

just one possibility, he isnt stupid, and if it takes the number of people using maguras for trials, magura wont be complaining because then the number of people that complain wont be as high.

just a thought.

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Not really, just Germans make a lot of good stuff, including bearings etc

As far as I remember, the Magura patent has either run out or is very close to doing so, I'll have a look on espace later if I get chance.

The brake has been in testing and development since 2005.

Freewheel looks more similar to a Tensile than an ENO from what I can see, but certainly different to both, after all there's only so many ways to make a good reliable freewheel. Looking forward to seeing the other new components too, especially the BB!


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The 20 spline BB tool type removal system is a Tensile owned EU Registered Design. We have already stopped other major companies using it in Europe. The actual importer will be the one who takes the risk in this case.

so does that mean that those who bring in a race face bottom bracket with this are trouble with onza?

slightly strange seeing as shimano use the same fitting in many bb cases?

why would you patent a standard design?

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bit dissapointed.... like the real metal and propper strength benifits?

maybe hes changed the ratio's to increase the power of the brake?

but no more adjustment really.... thought they could have done something to mean you can make the pad more

straight to the rim??? dunno just.... its a maggie still ennit?

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In the text it says some of the sealing is German - so theyve probably just bought those bits off magura and got round it that way ?

I Imagine they will sell a bucket load of them as the biggest complaint seems to be crank / cylinder problems...

ammusingly its a full system or a lever.. you cant just get the brake end ? why not - most people would consider swapping those bits and keeping their 06ish maggie lever (that theyve already put a deng lever on ) ?

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even with just machining an existing magura design instead of casting makes it better. im sure the design will be refined and updated next year to increase sales.

same as the ps3 case i guess.. holding the launch of the better model whilst the ps2 is still selling well. im probably wrong though..

howver as said before about the seals being german.. this seems how they have got around the patent by doing a deal with magura whilst magura sit back and make money from selling seals. also probably why its mineral fluid not dot 4/5.1

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i guess nothign as the copyright is eu only??

the bb does look rather nice, somebody else finally using roller bearing like skf :D but external bearings so even better, in theory <_< .

gotta say the deng lever would be a nice upgrade for all those people with 06 maggies and keep braking the levers, be interesting to see the price when they do come out, i predict slightly more but not a lot...

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Considering the blurb I was expecting a super space age design, from the picture the calipers look exactly the same as the Magura, only jazzed up a little. He was saying that riders are always hitting ankles on them, is this really that much smaller? It does look very nice indeed, granted, but as others have said: he could have come up with something pretty special, trial-specific, not pimpy-product-whore specific!

Have you recieved any details regarding the cylinder sizes, Adam?

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I'm looking at the lever and thinking that access to that master cylinder bleed nut is going to be damn tricky, it's so close to the bars and there's that angular piston piece the other side, gonna be a right bugger to unscrew!

Apart from that they look nice, but until anyone has tested them it's hard to see the point, if they turn out to be super good then we'll all say what a good idea they were. I mean machining may be stronger than casting but we're not using them as bashguards we're using them as breaks, does that make any noticeable difference in terms of braking performance?


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Logic suggests they'll be more expensive than a Magura?

Magura use shite metal and cast their stuff, Deng has taken some Dengnesiumtm and CNCd it instead of casting = more expensive?

Looks nice though.

EDIT: Wonder how they'll deal with water bleeds....

Edited by Shaun H
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you ran it on te front with a 9 tooth fixed sprocket on the back


a 21tooth fixed sprocket on the front and the 14tooth on the back

the problem is you'd have to buy a shoddy freewheel. you should really sell a kidney, get a green eno and run 18-12 like everyone else.


14t ACS CLAWZ, they're shoddy freewheels? I think i've got a 20-22t chain ring, need to count it, just i feel a 16 doesn't get me very far...

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I'm looking at the lever and thinking that access to that master cylinder bleed nut is going to be damn tricky, it's so close to the bars and there's that angular piston piece the other side, gonna be a right bugger to unscrew!

Ermm, isn't the bleed srew on the front of the lever? In what looks like the easiest place to reach.

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I like the offset on the freewheel, that's definitely a good idea.

The BB had better not have roller bearings in both cups? unless there angled, or it'll have no strength sideways at all.

As for the break, bit annoyed at them sticking with the crappy master cylinder being at 90deg to the bars system. It looks wank, doesn't feel as nice and makes the hose's come out at an angle that's better for front breaks, when everyone knows there mainly gunna be used on the back. If they are magura seals, then all I can say is oh dear. If it was an 04 style lever, then I'd get one straight away, but yet again, Deng cares more about making money than good products.

The break in the other thread was a Zhi break, I hope it comes out some time soon, as I definitely preferred it from what I could see.

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think the freewheel lockring will come in all six shades of deng? and would you be able to swap parts with an eno? (i like the idea of an eno that uses a BB tool) i'm up for testing out a new leverblade wana send me one for free adam/dave?

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