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New Echo Brakes


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  Inur said:
do you people really think that Deng has anything to do with the prices on Tartybikes?

Yeah, he probably does. He knows that the UK market is full of people with lots of (too much?) money to spend on bikes. I am sure he sets the RRP high, and if Tarty sells at less than Deng wants, they risk losing the relationship, irrespective of how much Tarty would actually get them for.

It's like iPods - You can't buy an iPod for more than about £5 less than RRP - all the prices are fixed by Apple and the shops lose the right to sell them if they undercut the Apple stores.

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I'm amazed at the fact that most people who are complaining at the price could easily justify spending that on a front disk brake or a rear one for that matter.

I personally think that seen as the new style brake comes made with similar manufacturing processes and is made to a very similar high standard it is worth the extra money and could turn out to be one of the greatest evolutions in trials.

It's another option for those that want a potentially better quality product, but are willing to take the risk of losing £150


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  Gavyn L said:
I'm amazed at the fact that most people who are complaining at the price could easily justify spending that on a front disk brake or a rear one for that matter.

I personally think that seen as the new style brake comes made with similar manufacturing processes and is made to a very similar high standard it is worth the extra money and could turn out to be one of the greatest evolutions in trials.

It's another option for those that want a potentially better quality product, but are willing to take the risk of losing £150


gotta say everything you say there makes sense.

dont think anyone can slag if off or complain about the initially suprising price until they try the actualy product and see how good it is and how long it lasts.

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I would happily pay £150 for the dengura if he had actually put some thought into the design of it rather than just ripping off the magura. Sure, copying a design can be good, as in if it ain't broke don't fix it. But there's plenty of things to fix on the newer maguras.

I mean look at avid hydraulic disc breaks. They really went to town on them and got an amazing product, they really thought about the way the lever works ergonomically, and it bloody well does work.

If Deng had done something like that then he would really be onto something. Personally the things I would change would be the way that as mentioned by Ali C the pivot point in that design is too far from the bar for comfort at the finger, Also the TPA design is over complicated, and the pinch bolt clamp could be replaced.

He's obviously put some R&D into it, its not a complete copy, with moving around the bleed screw and hose exit, which are both good ideas, and the bar clamp being behind the bar should improve the strength of the lever. But to be honest, if a 17 year old student can think of ways to improve the design, then he needs to think about things.

I'd like to see if he picks up on these things in the future, be great if he does, and if so, I'll have one bolted to my bike in no time.

Also, will the slaves be available separately? I'd love some for the extra cranks arm/heal clearance, but I'm gunna be sticking with 04 magura levers for a while still I think.

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So if I understand correctly, the freewheel won't be sold in Europe because of Onza's patent in the EU.

Is that correct? (can someone at Tarty confirm that?)

Now regarding the Dengura brakes: I read on a french forum that Magura was having a meeting at the end of last week to discuss about those brakes (don't know the result yet). Because Magura has some patents on their rim brakes. Some people were saying that thoses patents probably expired which gave the rights to anybody to copy them. And some people contradicted this saying the patents are still valid! Nobody knows for sure.

But I guess Magura is preparing a response to the Denguras launch. will it be a legal response that will all importer to sell them??? We'll see!

Here also it would be good to know if Tarty (which sales Magura's brakes) received some notice from Magura regarding Deng's rim brakes!!!

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if magura still had the patents...then, deng could be paying them to use the patented designs, hence the higher price, cos magura obviously wont let him compete directly pricewise

either way, if the brake works well, people will buy it for the price, like it was said before, disc brakes are a similar price, as well as people spending silly money on king headsets and the like-seems as though many people have money to burn, so even if they are only marginally better than maguras

im sticking to a v brake, its tried, tested, and trusted :)

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