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New Echo Brakes


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I'm sure magura's calling it's lawyers as we speak ^_^ .

I prefer how they look compared to maguras but they're just too similar for my liking. I think i'll stick with my tried and tested maggy for the moment.

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So they've actually been released?

What's the price on them?

Looks pretty decent though, maybe they'll be the new HS33.

I'd have one if i need a hydraulic brake (I think, would like to get an MBUK oer another respected review thingy of them)

:lol: He's sort of got colour co-ordinated pads.

Edited by Fat Pants
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So they've actually been released?

What's the price on them?

Looks pretty decent though, maybe they'll be the new HS33.

I'd have one if i need a hydraulic brake (I think, would like to get an MBUK oer another respected review thingy of them)

:lol: He's sort of got colour co-ordinated pads.

hahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111oneoneonetwentyseven111!!! he said mbuk and respected review in the same sentence!


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Brake system looks very nice, im impressed. I just hope the pad fitting is the same or very similar to the HS-33 as i should have some very interesting pads to show you all by this time next week :- .

Are they the ones you were running in Leic?

If so I'm havin a pair of them little beast !

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Are they the ones you were running in Leic?

If so I'm havin a pair of them little beast !

Sort of, but slightly modded, different colour, and better hehe.

The pic on the echo site, shows a standard set of pads so i think i will be ok.

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So they've actually been released?

What's the price on them?

Looks pretty decent though, maybe they'll be the new HS33.

I'd have one if i need a hydraulic brake (I think, would like to get an MBUK oer another respected review thingy of them)

:lol: He's sort of got colour co-ordinated pads.

deng will be needing to pay MBUK alot of money then to get some good reviews, or people will buy them cause htey are form deng most likely

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deng will be needing to pay MBUK alot of money then to get some good reviews, or people will buy them cause htey are form deng most likely

i think the usual procedure is to lick out doddys arse?

anyway, the brakes are nothing revolutionary, which is a shame, cos they really could of made something special, cos there is shitloads wrong with the current magura design, spose at least they will be made out of a proper metal? he should of gone the whole hog and produced a new mounting system too (the majority seem to ride his frames) reusing the 4 bolt system seems pretty silly-he hasnt really fixed what is severly broken :P

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those brakes arent the same as the black ones posted up a while back are they ?

anyway, if you read the words you learn that he's not using shitty cast lever bodies so they won't crack - this is good, but deng's still a bellend for not having hinged clamps and the levers being a nasty shape.

the freewheel i like the look of - actual eno competition rather than stupid open bearing bodges like the tensile and try-all efforts

that BB looks almost like a proper BB and not a stupid bloody mtb cartridge effort. note the fully seperate spindle - which you'll be able to replace without having to fork out for new bearings in the (highly likely cos its not fat enough) event that you bend it. It's another step towards the far superior systems used on bmxs so its got to be a good thing. in all, poopipe approves of and supports deng's somewhat revolutionary decision to attempt to produce something approaching half decent components for a trials bike (other manufacturers may want to take notes)

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Good idea about the hose being so close to the bars, there's less chance of hitting it. Freewheel is essentially an ENO with minor modifications and the BB looks like a headset with a thread on the outside. Deng's taking over the world. Next will come Adamant, Czar and Zoo tyres. Meh, that would be cool.

edit: poopie, are you a spokesman for Echo? :P

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I knew the priginal picture lever wouldn't go into production, deng wouldn't loose out on the lever blade sales. I think i'll be sticking with my maggy + RB lever.

That freewheel on the other hand is shockingly like an ENO, infact, it is an eno with echo wrote on it from what I can see on the site.

Deng is rapidly moving into my 'shit list' I thought him bringing out trials stuff at a relatively low cost was a good idea but what he's done with the freewheel is crazy. Same goes for the magura's but at least he's changed a few aesthetic thing's at least.

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That freewheel on the other hand is shockingly like an ENO, infact, it is an eno with echo wrote on it from what I can see on the site.

enos don't use BBtool fittings and i doubt the deng model is hand turned by a native american virgin on a traditional lathe carved from a block of finest arizona bedrock (or whatever it is white industries do to make them so special)

- no, not an echo spokesperson (available for work though deng...) its just that I own a bmx euro BB (which comes in 2 pieces like that one ) and have experienced at first hand how much easier to fit they are. as far as the freewheel is concerned, sealed bearings > open bearings

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enos don't use BBtool fittings and i doubt the deng model is hand turned by a native american virgin on a traditional lathe carved from a block of finest arizona bedrock (or whatever it is white industries do to make them so special)

Typically, I only noticed that after I had posted. Still, it's too much the same, as much as I don't want one I'd love to try one for a while and compare it to my ENO, but i won't be putting any more deng on my bike, forks are enough for now.....

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