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Bike Broke


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Today was riding jeans got ate my my chain =( got stuck in bashring, under chain and freewheel, then a huge clunk and now my bike really hard to pedal. Pushing the bike is fine so its ont the wheel its sumthing round my crank area ?

help please

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When your jeans got caught a bit of the jeans may have come off and wrapped round the freewheel or all inside the chain. The clunk may have just been where your freewheel skipped.

I will also recommend that you take your chain off and the crank and remove the freewheel to see if there is something that may have got caught inside and is preventing the freewheel form spinning.

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i would take your chain of see if anythings caught up in it and also have a look at the cogs, maybe a bit of something one one of them, it could also be some bearings gone in either your hub, freewheel or your bb. so when your chain is of give everything a woble about and see if there is any unusual play in anthing.

moza :turned:

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Your best bet is too have a really good look around your drivetrain. Some material from your jeans may be stuck somewhere, thus causing pedaling to be stiffer. Another reason for the problem could be a bent tooth in your chainring. When you pedal does it go 'stiff' then normal, then 'stiff' again? This could be a sign that there could be a damaged tooth. If you take your chain off and spin the cranks, watch the teeth if they are not straight, consider replacing the chainring/freewheel. I hope that this has been off help to you!

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Your best bet is too have a really good look around your drivetrain. Some material from your jeans may be stuck somewhere, thus causing pedaling to be stiffer. Another reason for the problem could be a bent tooth in your chainring. When you pedal does it go 'stiff' then normal, then 'stiff' again? This could be a sign that there could be a damaged tooth. If you take your chain off and spin the cranks, watch the teeth if they are not straight, consider replacing the chainring/freewheel. I hope that this has been off help to you!

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Your best bet is too have a really good look around your drivetrain. Some material from your jeans may be stuck somewhere, thus causing pedaling to be stiffer. Another reason for the problem could be a bent tooth in your chainring. When you pedal does it go 'stiff' then normal, then 'stiff' again? This could be a sign that there could be a damaged tooth. If you take your chain off and spin the cranks, watch the teeth if they are not straight, consider replacing the chainring/freewheel. I hope that this has been off help to you!

Your best bet is too have a really good look around your drivetrain. Some material from your jeans may be stuck somewhere, thus causing pedaling to be stiffer. Another reason for the problem could be a bent tooth in your chainring. When you pedal does it go 'stiff' then normal, then 'stiff' again? This could be a sign that there could be a damaged tooth. If you take your chain off and spin the cranks, watch the teeth if they are not straight, consider replacing the chainring/freewheel. I hope that this has been off help to you!

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are you the crock guy who rode redcar today ?

if so im the guy on the zoo python with thge purple lol

did anything bend, like the sprocket/freewheel/bash ?


yeh i roede the t-mag tday

When you pedal does it go 'stiff' then normal, then 'stiff' again?

No its just constanly stiff

Edited by CrOcKeR
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this is very unlikely and no one dought me on this one but if there is cotton stuck on the axle of your bottom bracket then it could of worked its way into the axle therefore its stiff! just strip you freewheel crank and your bottom bracket just to be on the safeside!

if you need anyhelp on how to do that then please add me on msn @ wraps_bds@hotmail.co.uk (because i am a qualified bike mechanic and i will be able to advise you)



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well take you chain off and give that a clean and put some lube oil such as prolink, take you freewheel off and spin it as if it was on a bike too see if its that that = if not you chain or freewheel it got to be your bottom bracket mate, where did you buy it from ?

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if it is the bottom bracket i would send it back to them and explain and they should replace if it still under warranty! or you can try your hardest to fix it but it might be tricky or impossible! the axles tend to be waterproof and dustproof but there still could be a thread in there !

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hey mate, i would suggest removing your cranks arm and spining the freewheel with your hand, if it is working fine spin the bb with your hands and if that is fine then it must be your chain or worst cas the axle in your rear hub has snapped and as you pedal the presure it twisting the back wheel and making it hard to pedal.

hope this haelps, adam.

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that happened to me several times

and guess what my bb is buggered. it might be something different to what happened to me but i suggest you take a good hard look at it or be like i am at the moment.

just after christmas with no bike to ride and i need to buy a new frame.

the only difference with mine i have a dented bb shell so i cannot change it.

i need a new frame :(

definatly take a look. (Y) (Y)

Edited by python_man
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