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Hi all

At the moment i can get up around 2-3ft walls, but i am wondering what is the best way to learn to 'tap' up walls.

I realise practise is everything, but what is an ideal object to learn on?

All help would be really appreciated.

Thanks, Steve

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A walls always a good thing to learn on :P...

only messing...

It's worth just going in at the deep end, start at something that you feel unsure about and commit to it 100% if you can backwheel 3ft (36") thats aleady beasty, just leave later and tap the wall, pumping it with your arms. Exagerate all your body movements to insure your doing it right. PaRtZ idea is also good (Y)

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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Ideally a wall which is about 3 metres wide so if you only just get to back wheel and you're almost horizontally at the top, you don't have to worry about dropping off the other side quickly.

I have a damn good setup outside my house. If you don't want to know, don't highlight this:

3 miles of sea defence rocks, varying height wall for the same distance (from 0ft to about 6ft) and 4 sets of ramps along it to practice sidehop to sidehop, pigeon to sidehop etc etc


Edited by PaRtZ
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