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What Size Bike Should I Get 26 Or 20 Inch


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Hi everyone I have always ridden 26in bikes for mountain biking but now I have decided to convert to trials after having a go on my friend’s 26inch bike but there aren’t a lot of 26 inch bikes around.

So I was wondering if I should get a 20 inch trials bike or would it be difficult for me to learn on it plus I have never liked bmx bikes.

If you think I should start on a 26 inch bike can you also give me some ideas of what bike to get?

If you think I should start on 20 inch bike can you also give me some ideas of what bike to get?

All help is appreciated a lot thank you for all your help. :D

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well first of all i think its great u wanting to start trials,well done.it all depens on your heigt,but all around it is recormended you start in a 20 inch rig,i would suggest,depending on your buget to invest into a onza,the new t bird is a good bike to start on,and the sarecen mad to zero,i started on that bike and now i ride a zoo python,hope it helps




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It totaly depends on what you feel more comfortable on, don't worry that there are loads of people riding 26" just upgrade to a zona zenith :rolleyes: if you want to stand out (in a good way) there beautiful, anyway back on topic, 20" bikes dont feel nothing like BMX's aswell so don't let that put you off, but try to have a go on a mixture of different types of bikes 20"/26" then there is also the geomatory of the frames so just have a bez around on peoples, most will let you have ago.


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a 20' they can fit in little gaps and every thing like that (Y)

WHAT THE FOOK????fit in little gaps??r u a crakhead what the fook does that mean???you should get the siz of bike you feel right on.If you know any trials riders have a go on there bikes and decide which wheel size you like better and stick with that. also it depends on how tall you are but i would reccomend a mod(20") to start on as they are more flicky and more easier to handle.then when you get a stock you will benitfit a lot from having ridden a mod beforehand (Y)


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i find with a 20inch i learnt alot of the basics faster but got to a point were my riding hit a limit and i could not improve.

with 26inch its a little harder to learn but well worth the effort and i find that its easyer to get hold of spares for a 26inch bike and

more of a choice in bikes,frames and all other bits

but thats my saying its entirly up to you


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Hi everyone I have always ridden 26in bikes for mountain biking but now I have decided to convert to trials after having a go on my friend’s 26inch bike but there aren’t a lot of 26 inch bikes around.

So I was wondering if I should get a 20 inch trials bike or would it be difficult for me to learn on it plus I have never liked bmx bikes.

If you think I should start on a 26 inch bike can you also give me some ideas of what bike to get?

If you think I should start on 20 inch bike can you also give me some ideas of what bike to get?

Hey I would recommend that you should defiantly start on a 26inch bike because in the long run you will benefit from a 26.

I would get a zona zenith they are a rely good bike to start off on and cheap :P


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i find with a 20inch i learnt alot of the basics faster but got to a point were my riding hit a limit and i could not improve.

with 26inch its a little harder to learn but well worth the effort and i find that its easyer to get hold of spares for a 26inch bike and

more of a choice in bikes,frames and all other bits

but thats my saying its entirly up to you


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