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This Forum Sucks When Its Comes To Validation


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Well all i can say is that i've got chicken breast nipples, And ass's tail and HUGE goofy teeth!

Sorry needed to get that off my chest..... hope that helps newbies


it certainly helped me ;):)

nmc if you wanna get validated post something useful and true like:

Deng declared bankrupt!! look in!

you'll get validated if you have something useful that would benefit the whole forum. Anyway every new member has their OWN discussion board which is SOLELY for them. Why complain? Full members have loads of boards which is hardly special...

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(N) i dont about the rest of you new members, but this forum sucks when it comes down to validation. Waiting for the forum Admin to decide if, and when you qualify/promote to the main forum is a joke. why you guys cant just have everyone on the main forum and just demote members, whom use too much bad language. the odd bad spelling or sentencing here or there shouldnt be an issue. forum interaction is...Just how many bloody post messages does one have to make, before you make the grade of being validated to main members forum? :angry:

This is officially the 'moaning thread'.

But he does have a point. (highlighted in bold).

I did read not so long ago about people getting validated unfairly compared to other new-members. It is a case of luck as certain mods are more happy to validate than other mods. Also there not always online. Some of the mods might not also read the previous posts by certain members. For example that new-member could post a 'helpfull' topic but they might have also 'flamed' at another new-member just after. So the mod might read their 'helpfull' topic and validate them even though they did 'flame' someone. Which is unfair. Many examples could be given.

To be fair there are few mods and seniors compared to the sheer numbers on 'members'. So i guess it is a hard job to keep up on top of. But to get someone from member to senior or senior to mod is an even longer and harder task to perform.


I see some new members posting in thread also having a moan at this guy. That doesn't help anyone.

Hope this helps.

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About 40 nm's got validated for Christmas which lead to a big increase in the amount of crap posts in members forums. This just shows that most new members are just not ready to post in the members forum. Besides, quite a few people have been validated after writing one or two posts so it's only down to you to make those sensible posts. If you expect a promotion at work, you need to prove yourself worthy, and not go off to the manager to complain you've not been promoted.

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In all fairness i can see there point of view, But i got validated in one post, It really isnt as hard as your all making out.

I have noticed a few things on this forum. For example say a pro rider or somebody fairly famous sign's up, They are automatically validated, Yet i am sure i read "You do not have to no anything about trials, just use correct spelling and punctuation etc". So how does that work ?


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Being new on here i was wondering about the validation thing and now ive thought about it it makes a lot of sense.

At first i didnt cotton on to the scamming point, but it makes perfect sense to me as most things that we all buy or sell can be worth mega money. And im sure that like me you have to work hard to buy all your parts.

So as to why you posted this topic i have no idea, but it can only give you a bad image, maybe a little more thought was required on your part.


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Hi i hav'nt been validated yet but thing like this just take time. I once put my bmx on new members chat for sale once, and i regret it as i want to speak to new people and make more friends but i agree about not being able to get validated straight away as peolpe would just piss around. thanks ross :)

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(N) i dont about the rest of you new members, but this forum sucks when it comes down to validation. Waiting for the forum Admin to decide if, and when you qualify/promote to the main forum is a joke. why you guys cant just have everyone on the main forum and just demote members, whom use too much bad language. the odd bad spelling or sentencing here or there shouldnt be an issue. forum interaction is...Just how many bloody post messages does one have to make, before you make the grade of being validated to main members forum? :angry:

Matey I have been signed up since 18/01/2005 and a few people after I have replied or made a topic said I should be validated but I still haven't but I am

Not complaining I say my time will come.

Think and what you are doing before you open your mouth.

Think about the cheetah and the Tortoise

Cheetah average work speed of 60mph and life span of about 4 years

Tortoise average work speed of 0.1mph life snap of about 100 years

So slow down and one day it maybe your turn to get validated and one day I might get validated time shall tell


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In all fairness i can see there point of view, But i got validated in one post, It really isnt as hard as your all making out.

I have noticed a few things on this forum. For example say a pro rider or somebody fairly famous sign's up, They are automatically validated, Yet i am sure i read "You do not have to no anything about trials, just use correct spelling and punctuation etc". So how does that work ?


I think the majority of pro or famous riders are instantly seen as having important or contributing abilties for the forum. Take mr ashton for example. I'm pretty sure he was made a member almost instantly. why? Because despite the fact he doesn't come on here much, if he ever does it'll be to let people know about something that is important and subsequently being stuck in NMC isn't going to be helpful... besides, anyone can make up a username of mr ashton, having him as a full member helps add a bit more of a professional feel to it. Would you buy products from someone who's still stuck in NMC purely for the reason they don't post often?

I like having NMC, its like a pub... keeps most of the runts outtill they can behave and not irritate other people (obviously p***** little kids would irritate highly)

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