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Shortening A Hs33 Cable?

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Hey guys,

I just got my Hs33's in the post today was gonna slap them on now, but I'd rather do a job properly and think about it first.

Both brakes come with full length pipes, so I obviously need to shorten at least one of them.

The manual goes over it, but not in too much detail about what not to to, and what to ensure happens.

Is there a good way of shortening one of the cables without the risk of fluid spilling out?, what is the best method for shortening the pipe whilst keep the fluid in the pipe?

It also goes on about putting Heatshrink tubing on the pipe after cutting it before putting the olive on?, what is the need in the Heatshrink tubing?

Any other matters regarding this that you guys think I should know about, or suggestions to fitting the brakes, then please fire away.

Thanks in advance,

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Fully loosen the tpa

Just undo the shroud nut and slide it down the hose then remove the olive.

Carefully cut the hosedown to a suitable lenth with a sharp object, make sure the cut is at a rightangle.

Be very careful not to loose any fluid

Put a new olive on (some spares should come in the box)

Put a dab of fluid on the end of the hose (use the fluid from the cut off section)

carefully slide back into lever body and tighten shround nut.

Ive done this loads of times without needing a re bleed. And i dont know why they have spoken about shrinkwrap. That method^ works though

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  26inch said:
Ive done this loads of times without needing a re bleed. And i dont know why they have spoken about shrinkwrap. That method^ works though

to be honest for the ammount of time and effort its going to take to ensure that no air gets into the system, it will be a lot quicker just to cut it shop it and re-bleed it.... surley its going to feel nicer that way if you want your maggie done all propperly before putting it on your bike.....

id do it anyway why go to all this effort fit it just to find out half your tubes air? might as well just bleed it well afterwards

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Well I tried and failed.

When setting the TPA to low pressure, my dad suggested taking the lever blade out so there is no pressure at all.

But the piston in the Master cylinder popped out and I lost a bit of fluid. So I've just taken it down to autoparts for them bleed the brake for me.

Back one is fine I got that one all set-up and working perfectly, its just because of the fact that I had to trim the front brake.

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  thutley said:
Well I tried and failed.

When setting the TPA to low pressure, my dad suggested taking the lever blade out so there is no pressure at all.

But the piston in the Master cylinder popped out and I lost a bit of fluid. So I've just taken it down to autoparts for them bleed the brake for me.

Back one is fine I got that one all set-up and working perfectly, its just because of the fact that I had to trim the front brake.

Ha ha, don't listen to your dad. You need pressure in there... or at least a seal, so that when you take the cable off the lever all the fluid stays inside the lever due to the vacuum.

You really should have bled it yourself, its not difficult in the slightest. And if you didn't have proper magura oil, vegatable oil would have worked.

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