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Just thought this would be cool, can also share techniques and stuff.

Anyway I'll post mine, and then other people can do theirs too.

Nikon D50

Nikon 18-55mm Kit Lens

Nikon 55-200mm Kit Lens

Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 - my main lens

Manfrotto Tripod, not sure what model, cost £70

Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash

Just bought, but not yet recieved

2x Jessops Centon FG105D Flash's to be used as strobes

Buying in the next week or two

Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 Fisheye

Two or three mini tripods, for my flash's

Ebay Wireless Flash kit, with 3 recievers

Flash Bracket for my EF-500 when I'm using my wireless kit

Student loan on Monday ;] heh cant wait to get my fisheye!!

Thats about it for now, so now its everyone elses turn!

I'm expecting a list from here to hell and back from Mr. Maher ;) haha, posh b*****d!

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else uses!


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Hahahaha, Jon.

Im not posh?? LOL.

Ill post a list in a mo..just going to make a cup of teaaaa.

and the list aint that big

P.s im not jealous about u getting a 10.5 >_<

Edit :

Nikon D100 ( soon to be D200 )

Battery Grip

Nikon Speedlight Sb-80DX Flash

Sigma 17-35 2.8 widangle

Sigma DC 18-200 3.5

Nikon AF Nikkor 28-70 3.5

Nikon ED AF Nikkor 80-200 2.8

Nikon Af Nikkor 70-300 4.5

Lowepro Bag ( dont know which model )

Manfrotto Tripod - old school

Canon ixus 65

Edited by JoeMaher
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Your dad is like proper full on pro photographer though isnt he?! You must have a decent amount of stuff! Well, including his stuff anyway. But that doesnt count :P

Heh yeah I'm looking forward to the 10.5 too, I can't really afford it, but what the hell, a new lens every student loan payment just has to be done!! My housemates will go "wtf you bought that for you've got no money" and I don't plan on telling my parents!!

EDIT: See there we go, first line,

"Nikon D100 (soon to be D200)"

You got a decent amount of glass there too!

I need to get myself a decent bag for carrying my MacBook Pro and all my shizzle around in, I'm thinking a Crumpler Formal Lounge or Farmers Double, and as I'm soon to have three flash's and 4 lenses (even though I'll only carry the Sigma and the Nikon 10.5mm), i'ts gonna have to be a pretty decent size!

Edited by MonsterJ
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  MonsterJ said:
Your dad is like proper full on pro photographer though isnt he?! You must have a decent amount of stuff! Well, including his stuff anyway. But that doesnt count :P

Heh yeah I'm looking forward to the 10.5 too, I can't really afford it, but what the hell, a new lens every student loan payment just has to be done!! My housemates will go "wtf you bought that for you've got no money" and I don't plan on telling my parents!!

If i had the money, id buy one for my holiday in 7 dayssss...WOOOOOOOOO

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  MonsterJ said:
Just bought, but not yet recieved

2x Jessops Centon FG105D Flash's to be used as strobes

Do you mean strobes in the sense of quickly flashing lights? I've noticed some forum monkeys have started saying strobes instead of studio lights because that's what our American cousins do...

to be honest, I'm not too concerned about the what gear everyone has. What matters more is the photos you take with it. I've got a couple of cameras, few different lenses, and a heap of photos I'm pretty happy with :)

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  F-Stop Junkie said:
Do you mean strobes in the sense of quickly flashing lights? I've noticed some forum monkeys have started saying strobes instead of studio lights because that's what our American cousins do...

to be honest, I'm not too concerned about the what gear everyone has. What matters more is the photos you take with it. I've got a couple of cameras, few different lenses, and a heap of photos I'm pretty happy with :)

I mean it in the sense of an off-camera flash, used for lighting from multiple points, like this


Sorry if strobe isnt the correct technical term.

I'm not concerned about what other people have, I'm just interested. But yeah at the end of the day, it's all to do with results.

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  MonsterJ said:
I mean it in the sense of an off-camera flash, used for lighting from multiple points, like this


Sorry if strobe isnt the correct technical term.

Strobe is an American term which I just find confusing...

Anyway, Jon, fill-flash. It's not a dirty word, and could balance the overly harsh off-camera _look_at_me_ lighting...

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Nikon D80

Nikon 18-70 kit lens

a small tripod (random old school)

a proper sized tripod - forgot the name cant be bothered looking

nikon camera bag

uv filter

remote cable release MCDC1 or summat

hopefully getting a flash soon, any reccommendations??

i was gonna get that Sigma EF-500 DG Super Flash?

im off to new york next week though so do you reckon the Nikon Speedlight Sb-80DX Flash would be any cheaper?



Edited by Urban mammoth
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haha look at everyones Nikon kit, good lads!


(waits for that schlaggg mark to kill me)

I have (not that it really matters):

Nikon D70s

Sigma 10-20

Nikon 18-70mm

Nikon 50mm f1.8

Sigma 70-300

Nikon SB600 flash

Lowepro mini trekker bag

Crumpler bag that fits just cam+lens in (normally my lunch)

UV filters for all

Cokin P series kit, sunset and ND8 grad

Some random tripod, does the job fine.

Fuji F31fd

I want a 10.5 fish SO much! After borrowing a friends once, it teased me. Now everyone seems to be buying them haha.

Thats the only lens I can that that I really want, I can afford one but I cant justify breaking into the savings!?


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Canon 400D

Canon EFS 18-55mm lens

Canon EF 75-300mm

Canon 580EX flashgun

Canon wired remote

Slik tripod and gorillapod

Camera bag - holds 400d with lens on, telephoto lens, flashgun, batteries, remote.

Other radom stuff

Also got my Canon 300V slr sometimes used (film)

Then got a fairly big collection of older slr's and equipment.

Would like to have a 10-20mm lens or something around that next :)

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Cannon powershot is s3 :$

Didn't want to go for a dslr as i'm only into phtography as a fun hobby, and don't plan on taking it seriously likepeople do on here. But didn't want a compact because i don't like the feel.

Best of both worlds. ^_^

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Nikon D50

Nikon 18-55mm kit lense

Velbon CX450 Big Tripod for when i go out to shoot photos

Jessops TP 318 smaller tripod (but can still go to about chin height) for just popping into my bag.

A case logic solid bottom case

Im planning on a 50mm f1.8 in the near future, and then a flash gun. Most likely the SB-600.

O yer an then the good ole Pentax ME Super with a 50mm lense

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  Rob_P said:
Sigma 10-20

How do you find that lens?

Dan & Urban Mammoth, the EF-500 DG Super is an awesome flash, you can get them for £130 from onestop-digital.com (haha I recommend that place to everyone!) so if you're looking for the cheapest place to find it, that's probably it!

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  MonsterJ said:
How do you find that lens?

Dan & Urban Mammoth, the EF-500 DG Super is an awesome flash, you can get them for £130 from onestop-digital.com (haha I recommend that place to everyone!) so if you're looking for the cheapest place to find it, that's probably it!

I got mine for 120 from sum place in usa, of ebay


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