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doesnt matter, get warned by all the bum boy mods for speaking the truth these days

The last time you got warned was at the start of July, and that's 'cos your IP was the same as the person who was f**king about on Deonn's account, so don't give me that "wah wah, you'll get warned, wah wah" shit. If you don't have the balls to say something and actually stand by it, shut the f**k up, yeah? Slightly better than trying to make snide little remarks where you're chatting total shit.

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If you're not careful Mark the Mansfield crew will f**k you up!

I would just like to quote this as true. They will really find you if you offend them. Im talking from a friends experiences lol

Mans lad running round swinton looking for Biff at midnight wi no shirt on...Serious.

Oh and Onza logo's good :S I like it. Not talking shit either. Its original and what onza i sort of reconised for isnt it? But id like to see "Mark Kings" design for the new logo?

Onzaboymark.... You was so easily offended. I didn't even know you could speak to people like that? I mean where not...

Just saying, sounds like a threat lol

Meh... Anyways. I dont care about that, LOGO ROCKS and if you see Mans lads in your area do not hesitate to run...

Edited by Abdab
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If people are constantly going to give me shit, I'm eventually going to give them shit back. I wasn't 'easily offended' by it, I just don't really get why Mike couldn't stand by whatever it was he'd said and decided to bitch out of it by saying he'd get warned for it, whereas he hadn't been warned for over a month and a half (And his last warn was for spamming the forum using someone else's account). Either way, people get away with a shitload of stuff on here, so I don't see why I can't from time to time ;)

I haven't been offended by virtually anything ever written about me on here, simply 'cos I don't give a shit about it, which is the same here. Mike can tell me he's better than me at riding all day if he wants, it just doesn't mean shit.

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If people are constantly going to give me shit, I'm eventually going to give them shit back. I wasn't 'easily offended' by it, I just don't really get why Mike couldn't stand by whatever it was he'd said and decided to bitch out of it by saying he'd get warned for it, whereas he hadn't been warned for over a month and a half (And his last warn was for spamming the forum using someone else's account). Either way, people get away with a shitload of stuff on here, so I don't see why I can't from time to time ;)

I haven't been offended by virtually anything ever written about me on here, simply 'cos I don't give a shit about it, which is the same here. Mike can tell me he's better than me at riding all day if he wants, it just doesn't mean shit.

Ok was just asking :)

I understand now! I never seen you ride I dont think, Maybe on a Ben Slinger Onza Proto ages ago....

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I haven't ridden that bike for 2 years now, I think, so it'd be pretty old footage either way. Think the last thing I filmed was a 52" backwheel, and that was in July 2006.

So your obviously not shit lol :)

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What ever happend to the OBM video that was talked so much about in 2006.

I think you should make one with all the footage you have now that you've stopped. (Y)

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I've got a hella sketchy rough draft of it on my computer that I use in London, I think. All the other footage got lost when my Mum's computer went into melt-down.

Reason it didn't get finished was Matt totally f**king his knee up, and as camera man that meant I was kinda f**ked. I had about 6 or 7 'big' lines left to film then it was gonna be done as well. Downer.

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after seeing a few clips of you ride i'm going to say please please PLEASE get another trials bike...

your riding style looks amazing :D

although may i ask why you quit riding trials all together?? and do you ever get the urge to ride trials again??


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after seeing a few clips of you ride i'm going to say please please PLEASE get another trials bike...

your riding style looks amazing :D

although may i ask why you quit riding trials all together?? and do you ever get the urge to ride trials again??


Haha, thanks :P

I do get the urge to sort one out again, but it's something I can't really afford to do. I've seen so much amazing stuff to ride off the normally-beaten-path in London that it'd be cool to film a video on totally unseen stuff, but to do that I'd have to get a trials bike sorted, and that's unlikely. I'm riding with Joel B and Phil Feeney more in London, so I steal goes on their bike's from time to time so I may have a lurker line in there at some point :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are the first photo's of a new prototype we had sent in yesterday. This is our first "completely" rider designed frame.

This is all before it has been ridden, So geo, weight and colour may change. I can assure you the weight will. ha ha.

Thanks to Andrei Burton.

Geo: Wheelbase 1085mm BB + 25 Chainstay 380 BB to Center of head tube 665mm. Weight 2.14KG.

Edited by Joe@Onza
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