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My last word on disc mounts on the 20" models. The patented rear dropout is currently being re designed by us to incorporate a disc mount. It is not yet ready as there are a lot of parameters. The frames were therefore made with normal dropouts. The production models will have disc mount. Okay.


Sorry if you said that befor and i missed it, there's been that many posts i've lost track of what's going on. I'd take tomms offer and have all the last few days posts taken out. (Y)

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Is SuperCycles being rebranded as Rock N' Roll Bikes dot com?

Hands up if you think that's the shittest name ever...

...besides supercycles.

It's going to be sad to see the old site go, it's been the same since the dawn of time, i think i've just become acustomed to it. :(

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How long have Onza been making those V-dapters on the new site splash screen thing? The ones that look like anodised heatsink ones... :-

It's the first time I've seen a decent shot of the V-Adapters. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. You're making me blush! :$ :P Surely you could have at least respun the styling which is what the Zhi chaps did. ;)


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How long have Onza been making those V-dapters on the new site splash screen thing? The ones that look like anodised heatsink ones... :-

I thought the tpro ones where different to that. may be these are new ones?

Doesnt inur now make some that are same design as heatsink ones?

Edited by basher
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I thought the tpro ones where different to that.

Doesnt inur now make some that are same design as heatsink ones?

Firstly, it would be wrong to not give credit to Bonz for the original V adapter idea. There are a number of designs based on the Heatsink ambidextrous form which was my idea on how the Bonz design could be improved. Having looked closely at the Polish V adapters, I approve that the guys have set out to give the design a distinct identity. I reckon there is plenty of scope for some originality of aesthetics even around the essential features of mounting holes and raised boss :)

Please don't let this thread blow up over V adapters this time :D I apologise for not being able to resist making some cheeky comments! Best of luck with these new frames. You're making some substantial steps forward with these (Y)


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As you will all probably realise, we made those Vee daptors well over eighteen months ago specifically for the T-Pro to fit Vee brakes. It was our take on a design which we know has been around for yonks. It was never intended to produce them as an Onza part precisely because of all the finger pointing and copying accusations which we knew would follow. Unfortunately the fact is that our distributors are now asking for these parts as service replacements and other customers have also pointed out that they are lighter and cheaper than some alternatives. We will therefore be releasing them as an Onza spare.

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As you will all probably realise, we made those Vee daptors well over eighteen months ago specifically for the T-Pro to fit Vee brakes. It was our take on a design which we know has been around for yonks. It was never intended to produce them as an Onza part precisely because of all the finger pointing and copying accusations which we knew would follow. Unfortunately the fact is that our distributors are now asking for these parts as service replacements and other customers have also pointed out that they are lighter and cheaper than some alternatives. We will therefore be releasing them as an Onza spare.

Hi Mike,

I don't want to get things kicking off again, but I just wanted to clarify my point about the V adapters. I was amused that the Onza ones (this is the first time I've seen them properly) have the details of the design that look a straight copy of the Heatsink ones. The outline form, the front cavity and logo placement. These details didn't have to be identical, as shown by the Zhi adapters which have also been "inspired" by the refinements shown in my Mk2 adapters (Released 25th of April 2006). The basic concept of the V adapters has been around for yonks in their simplest form, but there have been refinements of the details over time as can be seen in the photos below, left to right.



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Ok, Think ill nip this one in the butt asap. Yes its obvious there are very similar and yours were the inspiration for ours. But we did not say one day "ooo lets copy them and take some sales" not at all. we needed a V-daptor to put on our T-Pro that has been around for a few years. If we did think like we are being portrayed as don't you think we would have brought these products out the same time as the T-Pro came about? Also, We have not even announced this that we are selling them.In fact we have never sold one to my knowledge. Someone has seen a picture of one. Like Mike said, Distributors from around the world including the UK one Moore Large want them in production.

Sorry Steve, I hope we have not offended you.

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Someone has seen a picture of one.

On your website ;)

To be fair, as Steve's said, there are only a limited number of ways of making this component... And to keep this straight, I have actually never seen one of the V-brake shod T-Pro's up close and have never seen the V-dapters used on that bike, hence why I posted in the first place: I assumed it was a new line.

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