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well explained mr. poyzer, but for future reference- metals are not molecular!


Thanks for the science lesson. It is a long time since I was at college and metallurgy was not my favourite subject. However from what I can remember metals were formed of tightly packed molecules with free electrons, formed into a crystalline structure based on the particular alloying elements.

As has been said the stainless steel rings are not a suitable retro fit and by the time you have flaring its usually too late.

Reference the double disc aspect of the frame, we have been working on this frame for over a year now and when we had the first prototype early 2007, double disc was very rare. We kept it without a disc mount after consulting many riders. However there are only 50 in the first batch and 20 have already gone to Japan and other countries. We have never been a company not to listen to our customers, so if the demand is there we will add a disc mount in the future.

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Only just looked in on the progress of this... It's gone a long way down the line :blink:

Everything looks great, to me - except for the off-white gussets on the headtube end of the top/down tube on the Ice.

Also - about the headtube on the Skull.... It's rediculous! Haha. Weight saver, for sure - but how reliable are they?

I guess we find out next year (Y)

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Probably a while, I'd have thought?

Well the Skull is holding out pretty well, Geo ,strength and looks are pretty much complete. My main tasks now are to decide the graphics and see if its economical to bring out another 20" frame so close to the other two being released. With the Triad also looking close to being done I have to see how the other two sell. They all will come out, But you do not want to compete with yourself if you knoe what I mean. Ice and Limey 20" need to prove the existance of Onza Pro Series. We could bring out a frame every month but the books would not look healthy after a while. Quick answer for you Mark would be Feb / March for these the Triad and Skull and lets not forget the Limey 1.6 and Mr Burtons frame to sneak in there before the new season starts.


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Just a quick update on eth new 09' range. If you were thinking about getting one of the new 20" models then I would hurry up. Moore Large have now sold over 60% of the Comp's we had in for Christamas and its not even November yet!

Avoid disappointment and order early.

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i'm very interested in the skull when it comes out, just depends on if that colour scheme is the same cause it's so nice

do you have the geo of it joe cheers

Geo is very similer to the T-Pro although the rear end is very stiff. It should be the same but turning that graphic into a sticker set is pretty difficult.

Time will tell and I'll let you know.

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just read back a couple of pages about the 1.6, been the weight it is said etc. the difference between the white 1 and the gunsmoke 1 i have had, i would prefer it with 200+ grams extra. its much stiffer and if im honest, you cant really tell the weight difference, altho i did have a tensioner on the 1st white proto and that probably even'd the weight out.

The horizontal dropouts are pretty sweet. much easier to use and adjust the chain, i think that will be the bench mark for 26" dropouts now.

The Triad, after having a go on Joe Seddon's down at london just feels like a stock bike with 20" wheels, probably the nicest 20" wheeled bike iv ridden. i dont do mod, but it just felt like a short wheelbase stock. (i was pleasantly suprised)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the science lesson. It is a long time since I was at college and metallurgy was not my favourite subject. However from what I can remember metals were formed of tightly packed molecules with free electrons, formed into a crystalline structure based on the particular alloying elements.

Actually, as far as i recall most base metals are elements. Unlike molecules, elements are made of a single atomic component and when divided into smaller and smaller pieces result in the single atom itself. If you were to do the same to a vegetable for example you would ultimately be left with the vegetables molecules. To say all metals are or aren't of a molecular nature is also incorrect as i'm sure alloys fall into the category of a molecular structure in that they are a combination of elements, for example the 6000 series aluminium is a combination of aluminium, magnesium and silicon and the 7000 series comprising of aluminium and zinc.

I guess it depends on what your defining as a metal, the finished piece of CNC'd material in your hand or the metal elements that its comprised of? I guess the most correct definition would be that a metal is an element and alloys are molecular. There are exceptions and inconsistencies though as things like beryllium actually denote molecular properties instead of purely elemental ones.

I'm not trying to be a fussy b*****d that's just off the top of my head from GCSE science :lol:

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Tis true, i paid attention in science and being 21 it was only 5 years ago. I used to know the entire periodic table of elements up until recently.

edit: Actually the bit about the different series of alloys was picked up off this forum not long ago.

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that's exactly what i meant when he said it....but i didn't want to be picky...there's always one krispoats..:P

molecule refers to an organic compound (IE: carbon based). Alloys aren't molecular, the additions are still metallic elements (EG: Si, Mg)..

not entirely sure what you mean about beryllium- all i know is that it is extremely toxic and if anyone asks me to work with it, i should say no!

i actually doing a masters in materials science...so i do dream about the periodic table :S

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molecule refers to an organic compound (IE: carbon based).

Rubbish! A molecule is a molecule of whatever. A molecule of hydrogen gas (H2) or a molecule of water (H2O) aren't carbon based but they're still molecules. Wiki molecule. If you're doing a masters in materials science I'd go and slap your lecturers! :P

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Rubbish! A molecule is a molecule of whatever. A molecule of hydrogen gas (H2) or a molecule of water (H2O) aren't carbon based but they're still molecules. Wiki molecule. If you're doing a masters in materials science I'd go and slap your lecturers! :P

ooouuuugggg...fair point...but that's still organic chemistry (of which 99.99% has carbon in!)

from your link- "rocks, salts, and metals, are composed of large networks of chemically bonded atoms or ions, but are not made of discrete molecules."

please let it end there?

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